24 articles · 2.7K karma · 10 friends · active 6 years, 5 months ago
Watching planes in the green Normandy
This is my vision of the Focke Wulf 190 D9 "white 12" from 5./JG 301.
It is built straight from the box with two ICM figures and a scratch built wheel yoke.
I have modified the propeller and the underside center wing for a better [...]
This is my vision of the famous Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-13 "yellow 10".
It is the Eduard Dual Combo box.
I think that the 190D serie from Eduard is the finest representation of this aircraft that i have built for the moment
I [...]
This is the 1/48 scale Eduard Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-11 built from the Dual Combo kit.
I wanted to represente the Fw190 D-11 "<61" from the "Verbandsführerschule General der Jagdflieger". I based my paint work on the [...]
This is my interpretation of the TA-152 H0 wnr 150010. The famous "Green 4".
I build this kit from the box apart from the exhaust "Quickboost" pipes.
I helped among other book "the Focke Wulfe TA 152" Thomas [...]