15 articles · 0.8K karma · 5 friends · active 3 years, 9 months ago

Good afternoon.

My name is Mladen. I live in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I'm 32 years old and I make the 1/72 planes and submarines in 1/144. I will also include an armor, sometime in the future;)
Cheers guys.

I apologize for the bad english 🙁

Spitfire MkIa, Airfix 1/72

Hello everyone This model I made a few months ago. New tool from Airfix. The kit is not bad, but the panels are too deep. Canopy is given as one-piece, and that's bad. Some say that the colors are not good, but I'm working on Airfix [...]

Albatros D.VEduard 1/72 W.E.

The model that I made a few months ago. Eduard model, beautiful model, weekend edition so I had to do a couple things. WIP link (Regional Forum) (link) My YouTube Channel (link) If I violated the rules of the forum, please moderators to [...]

Henschel Hs 129B-2, Italeri 1/72

A project that I was working a few months ago. Italeri model, fine model, but weak details. WIP link (Regional Forum) (link) My YouTube Channel (link) I apologize for the bad English. Cheers, Mladen.

MiG 9, A Model 1/72

A project that I was working a few months ago. A-Model, short run, terrible for assembly. I hope you like it;) WIP link (Regional Forum) (link) My YouTube Channel (link) If I violated the rules of the forum, please moderators to delete [...]

DH.82a Tiger moth, Airfix 1/72

My latest project is DH.82a Tiger Moth from Airfix 1/72 in the RAF scheme. Nice and easy to build model. Here is the link of WIP (unfortunately, WIP is not in english). WIP (on regional forum) (link) On my youtube channel (link) Sorry for [...]