1 articles · 175 karma · 1 friends · active 5 years, 11 months ago

I have been interested in modeling since I was young. I was on a M163 (Vulcan) in the Army and 11H (TOW Gunner) then 68J (Cobra Armament) in the OHANG. I am currently interested in 1/350 ship of the IJN and doing submarines to get my painting skills up to do larger ships.
I have just moved to Western Maine from Ohio, and am getting set up again.

1/350 Aoshima I365 (WIP)

I365 was a D Class IJN transport sub with no torpedo tubes. Colourcoats IJN Anti Fouling and Yokasuka Grey were used with a base coat of Mr. Finisher 1500. Artwox wood deck was used with Veteran 25mm and some conning tower detail. The [...]