39 articles · 1.1K karma · 3 friends · active 1 year, 1 month ago

Curator at thepanammuseum.org

Pan Am Boeing 707-321B Clipper

Pan Am Douglas DC-7C Clipper

Pan Am Sikorsky S-43 “Baby Clipper”

Pan Am Douglas DC-6B Clipper

Pan Am Martin M-130 China Clipper

Pan Am Lockheed L-1049 Constellation

Pan Am had a fleet of more than 30 L-049s and L-749s, it also leased a few of these L-1049s from Eastern Airlines

Pan Am Douglas DC-3

Not my best work, I could have done the wing and tail boots, it was just so small.

Pan Am Douglas DC-4 Clipper

The first trans-oceanic landplane after WWII.

Pan Am Boeing 307 Stratoliner Clipper

The first pressurized commercial aircraft, 1940.

Pan Am Douglas DC-8-32 Clipper

The Revell kit has the wrong engine for a -32, but I still love this plane.