2 articles · 310 karma · 2 friends · active 7 years ago

I am a portuguese modeler, born in 1972, I live in Lisbon and I build mostly race cars in 1/24 and 1/20, sometimes I also build cars and motorbikes in 1/12.

Ferrari 126CK

Ferrari 126CK, 1/20 Fujimi kit, painted with Tamiya spray cans and acrylics/Humbrol enamel. I added some detail, photo-etched bolts and nuts, Studio27 seatbels, wires, cables and other engine and mechanical details. I hope you like it.

Tyrrell 020

Tyrrell 020, Tamiya kit, very simple, painted with Tamiya spray cans and acrylics/Humbrol enamel. I added little detail, photo-etched bolts and nuts, Studio27 seatbels, wires, cables and some foil to replicate the heat shield in engine [...]