2 articles · 230 karma · 1 friends · active 6 months, 3 weeks ago

My name is Leif Hammar but calls Leffe and I live in Sweden/Roslagen. My interest are artwork and design. I live near the nature in my small house countryside. My model building has been revived since I was young. Interest has rekindled and I enjoy crafts, so why not start model building again.

U boat type VII C/41 from Revell in scale 1:144

Here is my last project which I have been doing for 4 years on and off. But now the U-Boote type VII C/41 project is finally finished. It became an eternal project with as much joy as frustration. I was ruining this build when I crossed [...]

German Uboat type IIB in scale 1/144 from ICM

Here is my first work after many years break of model building. A first attempt at doing something I haven't done before. This construction has taken a year, during which I have been working on and off with the construction. You can see my [...]