2 articles · 210 karma · 2 friends · active 1 month, 3 weeks ago

I'm in my early sixties (61 right now and 62 in July) and I have been modeling on and off since 1968. I live in Sweden.

I've been building models of aircraft, armored vehicles, motorcycles and cars since I was a little boy. I'm also very interested in military history. During my military service in the Swedish army I served as an MP and had the benefit to see all kinds of equipment and vehicles, such as the Strv 103 (S-tank) and the Pbv 302 APC. I work as a system developer and ride motorcycles in my spare time. I am married and have an adult son. There are also two Jack Russel terriers in the household.

Yellow 5 flown by Horst Petzschler.

This is the old Revell 1:48 scale Bf 109 G-10 with wings from Fujimi's 109 series (The more modern issue from the 1990ies). This is my representation of the plane flown by Horst Petzschler. This is what Horst Petzschler later told about [...]

Bf 109 B-2 Spanish Nationalist Air force 1939 (ex JG 88/Condor Legion).

Hello everyone! This is my first contribution to this site. It's the old 1:72 scale Heller kit. I finished my model with Vallejo Model Air and Ventura decals as well as some old spanish Hobbycalcas from way back when I was a young boy in [...]