1 articles · 175 karma · 1 friends · active 1 year, 4 months ago

Dear friends of model making, I love easy to build and mostly "old" model kits, e.g. from brands like AIRFIX, ITALERI, MATCHBOX, REVELL or TAMIYA. My way and techniques with which these models are made are mostly unspectacular and easy to make.

My area of interest ranges from vehicles of all kinds, to airplanes and ships from the time of the First and Second World War, to the presentation of modern military technology. I am also interested in space technology.

Have fun watching.

M48 - Tamiya 1/35

Here you can see Tamiyas M48 model in 1/35 scale. Whoever builds this tank gets a lot of tank for their money. A quick and easy to build model. I can really recommend him.