14 articles · 0.6K karma · 8 friends · active 4 years, 1 month ago

Built my first model in 1968. Retired USAF MSgt, F-111E, D, EF-111A, & FB-111A Avionics Technician. Tactical Communications Computer Control Operating Engineer.
Currently TMDE Quality Assurance Evaluator.

Monogram F-80C Shooting Star

Monogram’s venerable F-80 with Cutting Edge cockpit set & Aeromaster Decals. “Evil Eyed Fleagle “ Suwon 1953.

Now that’s Italiano! Mc.202

Regia Aeronautica are some of the prettiest camo schemes. Hasegawa Mc.202 with FM details cockpit, engine seen through the wheel wells. Nice change from the kerosene burners I normally build.

LTC Glenn Eagleston’s F-86A before encountering ‘Casey Jones’

Hasegawa F-86A conversion, Cutting Edge Empennage & horizontals, Red Roos narrow chord slatted wing, Verlinden cockpit, Brassin’ wheels, & Cutting Edge Decals.

1/48 Dragon Ju 188E Racher

Here is my latest build, Dragon 1/48 Ju 188E Racher Kit #5518. First released in 1994 and maybe 2 other times since, it is a rare kit to find and not too common to see built up. Dragon got a lot of mileage of their Ju 88 series of kits, [...]

1/48 Hobby Boss Su-34 “Hellduck” NATO (Fullback)

Hobby Boss Fullback, Mr. Paint Colors, Eduard Brassin Wheels & Tires.

1/48 Hasegawa F-22A Raptor

Latest completion, great kit that goes together without any issues. Finished out as 1st FW Langley AFB, VA.

Teutonic Rhino in Norm 81 Scheme

Who does not like F-4 Phantoms, so many schemes, clean or dirty a real workhorse. Norm 81 fascinated me since my USAFE days. I used to say they were painted like German WWII Luftwaffe to my co-workers. Needless to say that is how I [...]

Heyl Ha’avir Shahak, Giora Epstein’s 1st Victory

Eduard 1/48 Mirage IIICJ with some manipulated kit decals. Really nice kit, just needs a few enhancements and careful building. Build WIP link included. (link)

1/48 Revell Monogram F-15I 69 Squadron “Hammer Time”

Built this in 2011, Aires F-15I cockpit and F-15I nozzles, weapons from Academy F-15I kit. Sky F-15I decals. 69 Squadron "The Hammers" delivered the strike on the Syrian Nuclear reactor in 2007. Operation Orchard (link)

1/48 Airfix Buccaneer "Sea Witch Debbie"

Not a fall together kit, but with experience should pose no problems building. Definitely need a new tooled Brick! As our British cousins say "the only thing going lower than the Bucc is a submarine!"