2 articles · 446 karma · 5 friends · active 2 years, 1 month ago

I'm retired and living on Crete most of the year, returning to Canada in the summers and leaving again at the first hint of snow. Modelling was a childhood passion and in hindsight provided a safe place, as I was one of those who was pushed around at school. When I began my professional career and family, modelling took a backseat. I expect this is the common story for many of us. I returned to this hobby a few years back and now feel I'm getting skilful, yet with much to learn. 1/350 scale ships are my core interest, but I do a little of everything. I have entered competitions [pre-Covid] and faired well, mostly because there does not seem to be many ship builders relative to other categories.

Scharnhorst, 1943, Part 2 Dragon Smart Kit,

Dragon's 1943 1/350 KMS Scharnhorst continues to be a real pleasure to work on. I am well into the build now and things are beginning to come together. this submission features a mid build photo shoot so the painting is rough in places [...]

Scharnhorst, 1943, Dragon Smart Kit

This submission is a mid-build evaluation of Dragon's 1/350 Scharnhorst 1943 [Smart Kit]. Many others have submitted comprehensive and helpful reviews on this kit and its predecessor, Scharnhorst 1940. This is a nit-picky submission, and [...]