7 articles · 468 karma · 2 friends · active 6 years ago

I'm an non-political German, interested in tanks and planes. Check out my Insta: plastic_warmachines

TIGER 1, the legend

This is the AFV CLUB Tiger late with a lot of modifications, for example extra tracks on the front, tools on different places, Zimmerit (which was a standard for late German tanks, but not on this box), and and and... The build was an up [...]

King Tiger in autumn

This is a 1/35 Hobby Boss monster! What a great model, it was so fun... Unknown unit, out of the box with some modifications, f.e. on the skirts. Unknown unit.


I just wanted to share some steps of my KING TIGER from HobbyBoss before final reveal.


F14 TOMCAT 1:72 from Revell. It was a really good kit!


Phantom 1:72 from Revell. I build this sexy lady some months ago and it was a really fun build. Hope you like it. 🙂


One of my "older" models. I hope you like it. It was the old Tamiya kit and it got some modifications. It was my first model with "heavy weathering" also.

Hetzer gonna hetz

My first posting here. The HETZER from Academy was a build with some stones in my way, but at last I'm very happy with the result. The goal was a 'battleproofed' 38t with some wounds and heavy damage on the skirts. The camouflage is [...]