7 articles · 5.3K karma · 27 friends · active 3 months ago

The administrator, also briefly called admin or the webmaster, is a person responsible for maintaining this site. The duties of the administrator may include ensuring that the servers, hardware and software are operating correctly, designing the website, monitoring activity and examining traffic through the site.

Video: Discovering iModelerAdding notes to pictures

This short video tutorial demonstrates how to annotate pictures when posting on iModeler. Join iModeler at (link) to enjoy this and other extraordinary new ways of sharing your modeling interest.

Video: iModeler Yearbook 2015

iModeler is a new kind of online hobby community. Here is a short rewind of the year 2015.

Video: What is iModeler?

A 2-minute description of iModeler, the extraordniary new way of sharing a modeling interest.

Video: iModeler Yearbook 2014

A small selection of over 1,000 modeling projects posted by iModeler members during the year. Music by Dexter Britain, (link) Creative Commons License,