1 articles · 191 karma · 1 friends · active 5 years, 2 months ago

I am Anthony Reeves owner of TREEMENDUS.

WEBSITE: http://www.treemendus-scenics.co.uk

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TREEMENDUS/

TREEMENDUS produce and supply top quality scenic modelling materials which are suitable for a number of scales. I also produce handmade scale model trees and dioramas. I have written two books on the subject of scale model scenery and have also had a few magazine articles published.

Oh i'm a drummer too!

Modelling Diorama Scenery – Step by Step

This step by step build was written for chapter Seven of my first book 'Modelling Railway Scenery Volume 1'. Some of the text refers to other pages in the book and should be ignored. There are also references to the photographs in the book [...]