3 articles · 255 karma · 3 friends · active 4 years ago

Hey builders and creators, I'm Tucker. I build mostly star wars models, I'm 16 and I'm still relatively new to the craft so I'm always hoping to improve and I'm always open to advice!
I have an Instagram at @tsmodel_builder

Custom Mandalorian

This was a really fun project that i was able to make a bunch of accessories for. i plan to make another Mandalorian but he will be a huge improvement over this guy with a cloth suit and all. hopefully ill start on him soon!

Desert Death trooper

So I did this guy for a build off i was in a few months ago and to this day it holds up as one of my all time favorite models I've done. This was also one of my first small bases id done for one of my figures and I'm a huge fan of how it [...]

552nd Clone Snaps

So I've created my own custom star wars Clone battalion called the 552nd. this was one of my more recent members of the battalion. Hope you all like him! He's got a story and I've made various other clones from his battalion and ill [...]