I really like my sweet iced tea... That's what I went for when I mentioned it above. During the winter I like to drink it hot.
Funny you should mention building another Spitfire. These three kits shown here were on the short list for this build journal, and ironically they are all Mark V's ! So maybe, (just maybe) I could be persuaded into adding to the list of Spitfires for this GB. I may have to break it down into Tamiya and Airfix to keep things easier to sort out... If I could ever get my hands on a 1/48 scale Mk 22 with a 5 blade prop and the bubble canopy, that one would get done in a flash...
I am lucky that I have the time to build my models. I'm retired now, so I do have more hobby time than I used to. But I can remember a time when there were several years that went by and I didn't get to build a thing, let alone even look at a model. I guess now I'm trying to make up for "lost time".
Funny you should mention a Mark V too... and like you, I think the MK XIX is a beautiful plane, as are most of the Spitfires. Once I saw Airfix was releasing a new tool kit, I just couldn't resist ! I hope it builds up as nice as it looks.
I have the decals now to build it with the invasion stripes. I'll count that as a vote for that one on the decal sheet... I still haven't decided as to which plane I'm going to build my Mk XIX as, but your vote counts...
So if any of you out there following along with this have any thoughts on which markings I should use on the MK XIX Spit, please sound off so you can be heard, and your vote counted. Thanks !
Thanks for the information about the FCM decals. It looks like the Battle of Britain set I have was discontinued a while ago. I'm tempted to give them a try to see just how they work. I have never used a set from this company, so it could be interesting...
These kits shown in the back ground are part of the stash... I'll bet the Pro Modeler Curtiss Helldiver caught your eye... I have not heard back from the family yet about the unpublished veteran SB2C and SBD photos we talked about. I will keep you posted on that.
Thanks for looking.
I had an idea earlier today and gave it a try. I'm actually quite pleased with how it turned out...
I took some "Matte Aluminum" Bare Metal Foil...
which looks almost like this once you remove it form the package... I used some therefor a small section on one corner is missing. The wrinkle you see on the sheet will disappear once the foil is installed so don't be too alarmed by that.
and used it in place of painting the wheel portion of the main wheels. The first attempt was one of the wheels for the BP Defiant. I used a Q-tip to press the foil material down into the details cast into the wheels. Then a new razor blade was used to trim off the excess where the tire (or tyre) meets the wheel. I also went over the "DUNLOP" lettering lightly with a white colored pencil.
Here are the results... but these up close zoomed in photos don't really do the wheels any justice. They look much better in person.
I wanted to see how this looked on the Airfix FR 46 / 47 three spoke wheel. I'm happy to report that it looks pretty darned good... at least to me. After the treatment I mentioned above with the trimming and such, I simply painted the three holes using "Flat Black" to give it a little color contrast for the wheels...
Anyhow, please let me know what your thoughts are on this build.
Should I add a Mark V to this or go totally bonkers and add all three Mk V's ?
Doing this will probably get me an office visit with David LS, who will undoubtedly have his butterfly net and straight jacket at the ready... just waiting to see what my reactions to the ink blot tests are like 
I have been wanting to build a George Beurling "Tropical" Mk V as flown from Malta...(they reportedly had some unusual camouflage colors used in operation from Malta), and I still need to locate the proper decals to build that one.
Also which decals should I use on the overall PRU blue Mk XIX ?
Currently I have one vote for the plane with the D Day Invasion stripes...
Thanks again for looking, I'm calling it a night.
As usual,
Comments are encouraged.