Martin - thanks so much for posting - very nice now to have it from 'the horses mouth' so to speak.
Gents, it is there for everyone to read:
"10. The platform is ours, but the conversation belongs to everybody. We want this to be a welcoming space for intelligent discussion, and we expect participants to help us achieve this by notifying us of potential problems and helping each other to keep conversations inviting and appropriate. If you spot something problematic in community interaction areas, please report it. When we all take responsibility for maintaining an appropriate and constructive environment, the debate itself is improved and everyone benefits."
In short, direct any misgivings to the editorial group and then wait for their response and swift action! I pm'ed Martin less than 10 days ago and we are already (hopefully) at a conclusion.
For those not following the link here are two excerpts from the 10 point policy that relate to tone and politics, as discussed in this post:
"2. Maintaining a reasonable tone. We want users to feel free to discuss topics that they are enthusiastic about, but we do ask them to find ways of sharing their views that do not feel divisive or toxic to others. Always consider your impact on others when making your contribution. We reserve the right to redirect or curtail conversations which descend into flame-wars based on ingrained partisanship or generalisations."
"4. This place is about a hobby. Your views on politics, governments, organisations, the World or the society in general are respected, but should be kept out of this arena. There are more suitable places on the web to discuss these subjects."
Mike, Robert, Matt - exactly right!
Thanks for all of the discussion and the supportive words here and by pm - I am very that glad we are on the same page as the official policy and that protocol is, very publicly, crystal clear.
Now, I have some builds to add to the inventory and a plane or three to build!
As the RAF motto says 'Through struggles to the stars!'