a Pair of 1/48 Early Hurricanes………. Airfix Mk 1, and a Classic Airframes ”cloth wing” version

Started by Louis Gardner · 106 · 6 years ago
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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    I have had these two kits on the wish list for building for quite a while now. The Airfix kit was sitting in the "build pile" with the Spitfires I currently have underway.

    Since I am building several early Mk 1 Spitfires, I thought it would be nice to have the stable mate parked next to these early Spits in the display case that would be painted very similarly.

    This is the Classic Airframes kit I'll be building.

    and it will be finished using these decals for machine "S" with an aluminum underside. This one will be a very early machine. Besides the fabric wings, it will have a two blade Watts propeller, "Kidney" exhausts, no lower fuselage keel, and the instrument venturi placed just outside the cockpit. This will place this plane as among the first 77 produced.

    Last night I started cleaning up the resin parts and cutting them off the pour stubs...

    I'll be building the new tool Airfix Mk 1 Hurricane, kit number A05127. Here's a photo of the box art.

    It will probably be finished as "LR * R" with the undersides in aluminum, night under one wing, and white under the other. This is almost the exact same color combination I picked for one of the Spits I have underway...

    I have most of the interior built, ready for painting. Construction starts out by having you build the cockpit framing and mount it onto the wing spars.

    This will all get sprayed with "aluminum" color.

    The details look rather nice...

    There's even some nice detail bits on the underside of the floor, which is part of the main landing gear wheel bay.

    The pilot seat and armor bulkhead.

    followed by the wing structure that surrounds the main gear wells.

    I also glued the fuselage halves together,

    and will paint the insides using Model Master "RAF Interior Green", when I fire up the assembly line painting process on the Spitfires...

    So far the fit on the Airfix kit has been right on the money, with no gaps encountered...

    as usual,
    comments are encouraged. 🙂

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    James B Robinson said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    As if 8 wasn't enough? David might be wrong, this IS crazy! 🙂
    I am truly jealous you have the luxury of time for this. Hope you enjoy it!

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    Craig Abrahamson said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    Two nice lookin' kits off to a great start, Louis...happy modeling, my friend.

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    Tom Cleaver said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    You're a machine, Louis! Now, just come over here and try on this nice jacket with the really long sleeves, I know you'll like it and look at this great modeling room - you can throw things and they'll bounce off the walls! 🙂

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    Jeff Bailey said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    Well done, Brother DAT! While I'm a big Spitfire fan, I love the Hurricanes as they shouldered a lot of the dirty work but didn't get quite the credit the "sexy" Spits got. I tend to root for the underdog, I guess. (David, L-S, take note.) As for the 'crazy' ... well, I think you may be crazy .. like a fox! I also root for the sometimes crazies!

    Well done, Buddy!

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    Paul Barber said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    I'm struggling to keep up with your personal inventory already, Louis! Fantastic! Not content with the entire history of the Spitfire you are now leading into the story of the Hurricane with these early versions. The legend continues!

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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    Thanks gents !

    The main reason I am building these kits together along with the Spitfires (and the BP Defiant) is that they all share the same colors for the most part. There's a method to the "madness"... 🙂

    I also believe that I am trying to make up for lost time, when there were a few years that I didn't have the opportunity to build anything due to my work schedule and other pressing "life" events.

    This will put a good sized dent in the unbuilt RAF stash pile, which was another reason I decided to go ahead and pull the trigger on these two latest Hurricane additions.

    I hope that I don't let you guys down, but these are all going to be pretty much box stock builds other than some of the decals, so don't look for anything fancy. These will be pretty basic simple builds with no aftermarket additions other than some resin wheels and exhausts on a few of these models. If I had some resin seats I would probably use them too, but I don't, so the kit parts will have to suffice.

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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    Tonight was a very productive evening. I got a lot of work done on the CA Hurricane...and it all started with cutting away this large resin pour block on the main landing gear wheel well. I have read on various other online build journals where some have stated it was only "5 minutes with a razor saw"...

    Let me tell you there's more to it than that. It took me at least an hour to cut away the pouring block. Granted, I took my time as I didn't want to damage the part since it wasn't replaceable.

    I could have used a Dremel tool and made quick work of it, but I felt better by taking my time and carefully cutting the resin. Besides, resin dust isn't the best stuff to inhale. I made sure I wore a mask and cleaned up the residue from cutting right away.

    Once the resin pour block was removed, I spent some time sanding the part until it fit nicely inside the wing. I also managed to break off a small portion of the wall, which had to be glued back together using CA adhesive. Luckily the repair turned out good...and should not be noticeable once assembled. Now all of the resin parts are ready for installation, as soon as I wash them up to remove any mold release agent that could be on them.

    As part of the test fitting process, I noticed the trailing edge of the wings were fairly thick. So I took the liberty of sanding them down to make them look a little thinner. I did the same process on the upper wing halves too. The empty shell casing chutes had some flash present. I spent some time cleaning out the openings and making sure they were squared once done.

    Next I concentrated on building up some of the smaller parts. I built the radiator, but cracked the rear of the radiator opening when I was cutting this resin part away from the pour stub... This will have to be fixed. I'm not sure if I want to use putty here, or if I want to fill in the area with CA glue and carefully sand it down.

    The radiator has some very nice details that can be seen from the openings...

    My plan is to build the cockpit and insert it into the fuselage from underneath as one piece. This will have to be done before adding the lower wing half. As you can see, I have assembled the fuselage, and glued the upper half of the wings in position to make a nice gap free fit.

    One other thing I found out is that the resin "kidney" exhaust parts will drop through the opening in the fuselage. So I added a piece of scrap plastic to keep this from happening. You can see the white plastic addition here in this next photo.

    There's a small part that's listed as the engine gear case. The instructions are vague as to exactly how it fits. It will fit into the opening on the nose externally, but this is wrong... it has to go inside or else the prop will not fit as the spinner will not cover this part.

    In order to see if it was even needed, I decided to build up the Watts two bladed propeller and test out my idea. Here you can see the growing collection of built small parts...

    I held the prop in place and from what I can tell, it may be possible to add the propeller without installing the engine gear case. Here's a few pictures I took to show what I'm talking about... I think I can simply glue the prop right on the front of the fuselage. I'll check it out even better before I go much further...

    Here's how the CA Hurricane looks at the moment... I'm happy to report the upper wing halves to the fuselage fit was spot on, and no filler will be needed. This turned out to be a gap free fit here.

    Possibly tomorrow, depending if I get the cockpit assembly done on this CA Hurricane, I will spray some "RAF Interior Green" followed by some "Aluminum" on most of these Spitfires, the BP Defiant landing gear and these two Hurricanes.

    I'm calling it a night.

    As usual, comments are encouraged.


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    James B Robinson said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    Louis, with your build log, your talent and attention to detail...OOB is fine with me. Looking great!

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    Paul Barber said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    I think this is going to look just brilliant with the two bladed prop Louis! Certainly lighting the way for the Hurricane I am building. Grateful as ever!

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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    Thanks Gentlemen for the kind words...

    Today was a great day for building Hurricanes !

    It all started by doing some detail painting on the various Spitfire cockpits. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I had all of the cockpit parts painted for the Hurricanes. Things just happened to line up...

    So having the parts ready for the next obvious step, and wanting to see the results of my recent work, I decided to start gluing parts together...

    But before we get to that part, lets go over the details first.

    Here's the interior of the Airfix Hurricane. Getting the instrument panel in was a bit tricky. I had to spread the lower sides of the fuselage in order to get the IP to fit into the grooves where it belongs. The fit is so good, that glue wasn't needed. But I glued it just to be safe.

    Here's a few pictures of the Airfix cockpit after painting was completed. They really did a bang up job on this kit. The details are fantastic right out of the box...

    Here I have installed the seat and armor plate.

    This picture shows the details inside the wing, just in case you want to build yours with the weapons bays opened up. I'm building this one closed...

    I wanted to see how the wing section was going to fit. Here's a test fit in progress photo. I checked the fit of the upper wing panels before gluing.

    Here you can see the upper wing halves glued in place.

    One word of caution here. The main wing spars are a tad too thick. They cause a very slight gap at the leading edge. I was able to hold the gap tight as the glue dried... and ended up with a perfect fit along the edges of the wings.

    I found this out the hard way, but was able to fix it before I glued on the other upper wing half.
    What I did was take a single edge razor blade and lightly scrape away at the top of the spar until the wing fit very nice. Then the other wing upper half simply fell in place...

    Then I decided to glue the wing onto the fuselage. The fit was amazing here. No gaps were present anywhere. Once I had the wing installed, I added the part that covers the lower engine compartment. The final part was the lower fuselage fillet, that goes all the way to the end of the fuselage.

    A little hint here: If you really wanted to build a Sea Hurricane, the parts are in the box to do it. 🙂
    I'll be saving these parts for my Hasegawa kit. I'll try to use the Airfix parts rather than mess with the resin bits included included with the Hasegawa model... but that's another project for later, and we will see how it goes.

    In these next photos you can see just how tight the wing root filets are. With careful gluing, no filler will be needed.

    Here's how the cockpit looks once everything was in place. The IP decals snuggled down very nice into the raised details. Some "Solvaset" was used, and the decal lined up perfectly with the plastic dials that are cast into the part, giving it a three dimensional look.

    I then turned my attention to the Classic Airframes kit. I used a white pencil to draw in the dials on the IP. Once I was happy with everything, I glued the completed cockpit assembly into the fuselage. Here's how it looks now.

    Next I glued the lower wing half in place of the CA kit.

    The fit wasn't as nice as the new Airfix kit, but I didn't expect the fit to be as GOOD as it was. In fact, with careful gluing, there was only one tiny gap present that needs to be filled in...You can see it here in this next picture. The gap is where the upper wing joins the fuselage and the lower wing at the same time. I was very pleased at this and had expected much worse...

    Here's the end result of todays work... not counting the Spitfire parts that were painted. but that's another story.
    The Airfix metal wing Mk 1 is on the left, the Classic Airframes "cloth wing" is on the right... Both are at the same stage of construction.

    I hope to get some paint sprayed on these two, and the BP Defiant soon.

    I'm calling it a night.

    As usual,
    Comments are encouraged...
    Good night.

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    Tom Cleaver said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    With both this kit and the Airfix kit, SHAVE DOWN THE INTERIOR. Not a lot, just a scrape. You'll save yourself a lot of purple clouds with lightning and thunder in them over the workbench.

    It's too late for Louis, but if you read my reviews of these kits at Modeling Madness, you'll find a great way to avoid these moments, since my desire in all those reviews is to let the modeler know where the minefields 10 klicks down the trail are to be found, and how they can be avoided.

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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    No Tom,
    Your WRONG !

    I didn't have to shave down anything other than the wing spars. ON EITHER KIT !

    Besides what you say, the parts happen to fit on my samples. Maybe I was lucky. Others might not be.

    The instrument panel on the Airfix kit would have fit properly and been very easy to install if I would have glued it in position when the directions indicated it was time to do so (which is step #31). I chose to wait until after the fuselage sides were glued together and add it later at step #33, just before the wings are installed.

    If I would have had to shave down anything else I would have included it in my rather detailed posting.

    I have read some of your reviews on other model builds and the information was fairly close, but not always 100 percent accurate as you claim. Instead I would rather refer to your articles at "other" websites to be a guide to the perceived "mine fields", and not gospel.

    You need to keep in mind that the plastic parts are not always an identical 100 percent match from kit to kit, and that people can use another method besides your "Tom Cleaver" approved method to build their models.

    Bottom line is that I didn't have to shave down a thing as far as cockpit parts. Wing spars yes. Cockpits NO...

    Maybe you need to switch to decaffeinated coffee... I'd like to know what kind of steps you took to avoid any disasters on your recent Lancaster build, which was done in all of 15 posts and ONLY two pictures. Not very much "valuable" build information was posted there. This has to be a record for the fastest non build journal I have seen for someone that desires to be so helpful for other modelers.

    I have noticed that you put in your own little plugs when you can to push items that you have been involved with. I get that... I really do. I also compliment you for your aviation history knowledge. I always learn something there (as a rule), when I read one of your articles. You have probably forgotten more than most people ever knew about certain aircraft and historical events.

    But please keep in mind that there's more than one way to get to point B from point A.

    Now having said my piece, lets please return to our regularly scheduled programing...

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    Tom Cleaver said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    The wing interior stgructgure was what I was talking about. I've only built 8 of them, so what do I know.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    Your words Tom. " SHAVE DOWN THE INTERIOR" I think Louis made a good point.