Gloster Meteor F.8, Airfix 1/48

Started by Boris Rakic · 41 · 6 years ago · 1/48, Airfix, Gloster, Meteor
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    Boris Rakic said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    A day late (or almost on time 😀 ) I started on the Airfix Meteor. This one is going to be built as an aircraft from 111 Squadron out of North Weald, 1954.
    The Airfix kit looks good on the sprue, so I won't use any aftermarket. My usual way of building is to get the most boring stuff out of the way first. With planes it is dealing with two-part assemblies and their seam lines, so I already glued all the control surfaces, the jet pipes, and the wheels together, any seams will be filled and sanded tonight.
    The cockpit is an excellent little assembly, but the rear wall needs some filler, as does the seat.
    In short: not much to see right now, that's why I am always happy when this preliminary work is done.


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    Paul Barber said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    Boris, thanks of sharing the start of your 'workflow' - it looks like a great kit and I am sure people will really enjoy and benefit from watching your progress and process alike!

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    John Healy said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    I built one of those last month. Very enjoyable experience. I've come to look forward to seeing how each new Airfix kit is engineered. Always interesting.

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    Tom Cleaver said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    Be sure to stuff as much weight as pissible under the cockpit, then glue a few more to the rear of the aft bulkhead. The model's a notorious tail-sitter without "going overboard" on weight. Also, if you glue the aft wing fairing to the fuselage rather than the wing, and do so before gluing the fuselage halves together so you can get good fit, the wing-fuselage sub-assemblies come together much better.

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    Boris Rakic said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks for the tips, Tom! I actually need to restock my supplies of fishing weights before closing the fuselage, so your comment is a good reminder 🙂 As to the fairing, it is basically the same as with Airfix' P-40, which also works fine if assembled the way you described it.

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    Boris, coming together well! Nice looking cockpit.

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    Ferry Dierckxsens said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    Looking great Boris! A lot of detail also in this new Airfix kit.

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    Boris Rakic said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks guys! Been making some progress, the cockpit is finished for now. Tub and seat were airbrushed with Tamiya Tank Grey, as pure black would drown out every deail. I brush painted the seat details with various Lifecolor Acrylics, the tones of the cushion and the blue seat belts were shifted a bit with oil paints afterwards. The tub got some drybrushing with Testors Metalizer, and a wash with Mig Panel Liner Black.

    Although I do not plan on having the engine hatches open, I still assembled the jet engines - not sure how much of them will be seen through the intakes, so. As with the rest of this kit, you will need to check for flash and remove any unwanted plastic, as some of it can cause fit issues.

    The wing halves suffer from a bit of warpage. The uper halves will need to be clamped in place, though it does not look as bad as the fuselage halves 🙂

    Next: bringing the fuselage together, then painting all the aluminium internals before getting the wings on.

    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Craig Abrahamson said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    Looks top-notch so far, Boris. As to the weight(s) needed as TC mentioned, I don't know what your "accessibility" is to shotgun ammunition (or fishing weights for that matter), but I've found that #8 birdshot - the small stuff - is a little more "compatible", if you will, to finding all those little recesses that fishing weights can't. Just an idea you may find useful.

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    Jeff Bailey said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    Looking very nice, Boris. It's a really interesting aircraft and certainly one of the most influential in the History of flight.

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    John Healy said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    Nice work, Boris. You’re working on the first issue F.8 molded in blue-gray from India. I have one of those and the forward fuselage halves are seriously warped under the cockpit area. I put it back in the stash and will eventually build it as a camo’d Israeli bird. I did build the new RAAF F.8 which is molded in the UK. Much stiffer plastic and no warping.. it’s really a fun kit, don’t you think? Shame that the first run seems to have QC issues. BTW, you don’t see much except the accessory pack on the front of the engines once it’s done, but I built it all anyway just because it’s so nicely engineered and thought out.

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    Boris Rakic said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks guys! Craig, just today I went out and stocked up on fishing weights. Shotgun ammo is out of the question due to our weapons laws - don't want to register just to prevent a tail sitter 😀
    John, thank you for that info, I was not aware of the different production runs. And you are right, it really is a fun kit!

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    Tom Cleaver said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    It's not that hard to unwarp a first-run kit. I did two of them. Hot water and then some industrial-strength pushing and shoving.

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    Tom Cleaver said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    I find using Tamiya "NATO Black" works for black cockpits - not so stark, but not too light. Your model is looking good.

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    paul teixeira said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    Really nice so far. Very interesting tips. I really wanted to get this kit this month but ended up getting the new Airfix Lightning instead. Had both in my hands. So look forward to seeing what you do and learn with this kit so I will not have any issues.