
Started by IAN JACKSON · 34 · 5 years ago · 1/48, Airfix
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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Ian, that finish is outstanding! So I assume that the AK finishes go on well with little fuss. As NMF can be quite finicky to accomplish. Using of course Alclad, Model Master enamels over the years. Recently started using the Vallejo metallics with very good results so far. But always open to try other brands. I'm not locked into any particular brand or whether it is enamel, lacquer or Acrylic. Regardless very inspirational.

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    IAN JACKSON said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Chuck, I was a big Alclad fanboy, because for that many years they were simply the very best that those of us with 'shallow pockets' could buy to get the elusive NMF finish that didn't look like silver paint.

    I was encouraged to try AK Xreme Metals by a mate who said he'd tried and thought they were every bit as good AND (more importantly) easily available here in NZ.

    So I tried and they're every bit as good as Alclads' but more (far more) resilient to handling. I still have the Alclads I brought out with me but never bothered to replace or renew. The half-dozen AK's that I use regularly, I've renewed twice.


    (1:32 P-47 from last year - all AK's)

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    Tom Cleaver said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    That P-47 looks super. One minor point (for future reference) - NMF P-47s had no primer on the inner surfaces of the flaps - it's a good way to identify if an airplane was painted at the factory or at the field. A camouflaged P-47 painted at the factory had the camouflage color on the inner surface of the flap (since the flaps were painted before they were installed on the airplane), while a field-painted airplane generally had the leading inner edge of the flap in NMF (since the airplanes were painted with their flaps up). A bit of little-known info I got from one of the guys in the 78th FG I interviewed for a book - he was the maintenance officer in charge of the repainting of NMF P-47s after D-Day.

    Here's a comment from a 57th Fighter Group pilot that lets you know what kind of war they faced:

    “The air-to-ground environment is brutal, life threatening, and consistently dangerous. The fighter pilot population in our squadron changed 400 percent from May 1943 until the end of the war in June 1945. We lost airplanes and pilots on a regular basis. We changed tactics, varied approaches and routes to targets, and emphasized surprise at every opportunity. In the end, we learned that you must fly down the enemy’s gun barrel to destroy the target.”

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    IAN JACKSON said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Cheers Tom, I had a similar comment on Britmodeller after I completed the build last year - we live and learn, eh ?. I have Col. Clay Tice's late war P-47 on my 'pending' pile which will follow the Lightning on to the bench so will be mindful for that build.

    To hijack my own thread, here's a link to more pics of the completed Thunderbolt - - just in-case anybody is interested. That was such a quick build, I think less than five weeks from opening the box to the reveal... love kits like that !

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Beautifully done, Ian. Chuck nailed it, “inspirational”.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Now that is gorgeous. That NMF really pops at first glance. And then you just admire the details soon after. An amazing model in every way. Only a nitpicker will find something negative always. When it should be just left alone. And just admire the final finish right or wrong.

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    Tom Cleaver said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    That wasn't "nitpicking," Mr. Villanueva, it was providing people with information that's not commonly known, so that modelers who care about their results (the overwhelming vast majority here) can put it to use in the future. There was nothing "negative" in my comment, other than in the mind of someone who thinks anything less than "amazing! wonderful! magnificent!" is "negative."

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    IAN JACKSON said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    OK folks - let's move-on please. Nobody was "nitpicking" and nobodies feelings were hurt.

    Going to leave the Lightning alone for a couple of days and finish-up another build. Want the lacquers to completely cure before it gets a gentle sanding with 2000 grit and a couple of coats of Klear / Future / Pledge (whatever we're calling it this weeks). After that a light pin-wash or Flory wash then decals.

    More later in the week, folks.

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    IAN JACKSON said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Blended Flory wash over two coats of (brushed) Johnsons Klear... next 'stickers' !


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    Paul Barber said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Looking very sharp Ian. Interested to see how it all pans out once cured. I have to admit I am a fan of Alclad and thought I would never move on. However the smell is pretty special and although I ‘mask up’ if it is a big job you still get a whiff during clean up! This thread has certainly shown me that Alclad isn’t the only option! I’ll be trialling some of the alternatives on here as the Alclad dwindles!

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    Paul Barber said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Wow, we must have posted simultaneously! I got my wish! You’ve got to be pleased with that yellow under the masks - and the subtle metallic tones on the different panels had worked out brilliantly. Lovely stuff!

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    Tom Cleaver said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    This is looking very sharp, Ian.

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    IAN JACKSON said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks folks appreciate it. BUSY old weekend ahead so no stickers until Tuesday at the earliest.


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    IAN JACKSON said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Kit & Aeroclub decals applied:
    This will be the last series of pics before final assembly - thank you for following along folks.


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    Peter Hausamann said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Woow. That looks quite realistic. The paint sure makes it look raw metal, and polished too.
    Good job, Ian. Thanks for sharing your build log.