That was my fault Chuck - I mentioned I might be tempted as the F-35 is the most recent RAF addition - and probably the last within the fabled first 100 year span, so I considered that it might be a good way to finish the group build off. So thanks Tom, I have looked at some video reviews and they are fairly damning - a controversial aircraft in plastic and in the flesh. The Meng 35A version was heavily criticised too - so no help either.
By the way Chuck, I am with you desk-wise, despite my attempts to stay tidy. I store my equipment in plastic boxes by 'phase' - so sprue-cutting, filling and sanding has its own box, as do assembly, masking, painting, decals and weathering. This helps me to spend less time getting equipment out, but also keeps my workspace a little more orderly. However, by the time I get deeper into a build you'll usually see all of the various boxes spread across the table and tissue, cotton buds, paddle pop sticks, jars of water or diluted washes, and remnants of spills etc. intertwined in an unholy shambles! I have also sworn that my next move will be to a tiled floor - carpets are not my friend!