1/48 Monogram PBY-5A Catalina "44-P-4" flown by Ensign Jack Reid, VP-44, Bureau Number 08031

Started by Louis Gardner · 68 · 7 years ago · 1/48, Catalina, flying boat, Midway Group Build, Monogram, PBY-5A
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    David Mills said 7 years ago:

    Nice to see the cactus airforce represented - the big cat is coming along well Louis!
    It looks so smart in its new paint it almost seems a shame to weather it.
    Still Solomons aircraft didn't seem to stay smart looking very long given the climate and operating conditions - most of them seem to end up looking wonderfully beat up! looking forward to the next stage

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    Louis Gardner said 7 years ago:

    Thanks Chuck for the kind words. This one gave me a few problems with the wing gaps between the panels. But it was probably something I did rather than a fault of the kit. I have been bouncing back and forth between this one and the other builds I did for the Midway Group Build. Most of the time the poor PBY was set aside to work on the others. Now with our deadline coming nearer, I really need to dig in and get this one done... Thanks again buddy.

    Thanks Dirk. I'm happy to hear that you read the entire build from start to where we are now. I hope it wasn't too boring for you ! I agree with you that the older Monogram kits are very good, still to this day... Thanks again for the compliments my friend.

    Thank you David. I am pleased with how the finish turned out... It may be a mistake, but I do need to weather it some. I'm going to attempt something new for me, and try to replicate dried on salt spray in some areas of the hull. I also need to do something on the top sides of the plane to make it look more faded and weathered a little more too. Plus since this plane operated from Midway Island, I'm going to have to make it look dusty. If I get this done to where I am happy with it, I may carry on and complete the weathering on my Joe Foss "Cactus Air Force" F4F-4, "Black 53".

    Meanwhile today I was searching the decal dungeon to find appropriate decals for use on this one. I didn't have the correct sized wing Star insignias... more on that in a few.

    I wanted to determine exactly where the wing stars were located. So I pulled out my trusty Squadron Signal "PBY In Action" book and located these two pictures...

    Here's a close up of the decals I sourced from a "Yellow Wings" decal sheet. This one is number 48-023, which is called USN 1932-1942 Standard 12" Numbers and Squadron Designators BLACK.

    I was able to modify a bombing "B" letter into a "P" by cutting away the lower corner with a sharp single edged razor blade... The other "4's" were simply cut out of the sheet. I left two sets of two numbers connected to keep them straight as I applied them to the plane.

    I mentioned above that I didn't have the proper sized wing Insignia Stars. It looks like "44-P-4" had a much larger star on it's wings than what I had available right now. But I did have a good selection of 50' stars. Plus I found one pair of Stars that was a lighter shade of blue. I decided to use these lighter blue ones on the tops of the wing as if they had been a little sun faded. I hope it works...

    These lighter blue stars are on the right of this picture below:

    Here's how the decals look after they were placed on the Port side of the fuselage bow.

    and the Starboard side: (These were still wet when I took the picture)

    Here's how the top of the wing looks now that the Stars have been added. Eventually I will get my hands on a larger set of Stars and replace these smaller ones. Hopefully it will be as simple as applying the larger Stars over these smaller ones...But for now these will have to work...

    and finally a parting shot showing the underside of the wing and nose of the Catalina.

    The next step is to mask off and spray the remaining clear parts, then get them installed. After that I have to do some weathering on it... I'm going to try my best to get this one done by the Anniversary.

    Please check back soon for more updates. Thanks for following along... and have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend. Please don't forget the reason for the Holiday.

    Comments are encouraged.

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    Tom Bebout said 7 years ago:

    That bad boy is looking great Louis. I'm positive "you'll get her done".

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    Louis Gardner said 7 years ago:

    Thanks Tom !

    It's getting even closer now. Last night I gave the decals a light spray using Testor's "Dull Coat" from a rattle can...

    Today I managed to get the rest of the clear parts painted, and most of them installed.

    To begin with I used "Scotch" tape and masked off the clear part of the windows.

    Once that was done I used blue painters tape to mask off the back sides of the clear parts to protect them against overspray...

    Then they received a light coat of "Interior Green",

    Followed by a coat of "Blue Gray" to match the exterior of the plane...

    Here's how the parts looked once I removed the masking.

    This picture shows how painting the "interior green" on first gives the illusion that the inside of the window frames were painted separately.

    Once the paints dried, I glued the front turret in position on the Catalina.

    The waist position blisters and MG's were installed too:

    I'm calling it a night. Hopefully tomorrow I can complete the landing lights and get some weathering and final small detail painting done on it.

    As usual, comments are encouraged.

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    Louis Gardner said 7 years ago:

    Tonight I cleared the final obstacle that has been bothering me with this one... the landing lights mounted in the leading edge of the wing. Or should I say the lack of landing lights...

    I got inspired today by Greg's SBD rear gunner's canopy parts that he recently posted about his wonderful build...

    So I did a little improving over the kit parts, but I didn't go crazy with it. To begin with, I simply took a piece of Ultra Bright Bare Metal Foil and applied it to a piece of plastic card stock. Then I took the Waldron punch and made two round discs. There's a company that has scale lenses in various sizes and colors that really look good in a spot like this. Unfortunately I don't have ones that will fit. The lenses are used by model railroad builders and are called MV lenses.

    I took these discs and simply glued them into the openings for the landing lights.

    The kit supplied parts just didn't look right to me. This is what had been bothering me. For in every photo that I have seen of a PBY, these clear lens covers didn't have a shield to help protect the pilot's vision from the light as it is represented in the kit parts.

    I confirmed my suspicions by looking at some photos that Tom Bebout provided me of the Catalina at Wright Patterson. This plane also has the plain light covers...

    So I followed Greg's lead with his Dauntless canopy, and heated up some clear plastic sheeting. While it was hot I simply pressed it against a smaller thinner section of the wing's leading edge, located farther outboard of the landing lights.

    Then it simply was a matter of trimming these newly minted parts to fit the opening in the wing...

    Once I managed to get this done, I started with the exhaust staining... Here's how the Catalina looks right now. Now I'm pretty sure I will have this one done in time for the reveals on June 3rd. I thought about leading the reveals with this one, since it was the first plane to contact the opposing forces.

    I'm calling it a night. As usual, comments are encouraged.

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    Louis Gardner said 7 years ago:

    Well this one is finally done... Just in time.

    Today I finished up the weathering and applied some oil washes to the engines and landing gear bays.

    Then I installed the pitot tube, and antennae lead cables, and touched up the exhaust stains.

    Here's how the Catalina looks now...

    Ready for the "Midway Group Build" reveals, which will start on Saturday...

    I have another project going on out in the shop scheduled for Saturday, so I may not be able to post this one up as the first posting for the Group Build reveal.

    So please by all means, when you are ready to start posting your builds on Saturday morning, please don't wait for me. It may be later on in the evening before I can post this one.

    Thanks again for following along with this build. It has been a very nice plane to assemble, and really looks the part once it's completed. Sure there were a few problems, but I may have been the cause of them. The main thing I had troubles with were the gaps along the wing panel joints.

    I really am surprised that you don't see too many of these built. It's a shame, since this is really a nice kit.

    Special thanks go out to my friend, Tom Bebout, who sent me some detail photos that he took for me in the US Air Force Museum at Wright Patterson AFB, of their OA-10 (which is what the US Army called a PBY-5A). Without the help from having your pictures in hand, this one would not have turned out as nice as it did.

    Thanks again Tom.

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    David Mills said 7 years ago:

    Cracking work Louis - loved the improvisation for the landing lens.
    Only right that the big Cat is represented here - they seemed to always be around to make the critical spots.
    Many thanks for running this GB!

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    Greg Kittinger said 7 years ago:

    Lovely Louis! Great looking Cat!