Tonight I finished up the Panzer III... the next time you see it, should be on the reveal, which I hope will happen sometime this weekend.
To begin with, I added the last individual track blocks to the "starboard side" ...
There were ten individual blocks remaining to complete this side.
Then I fabricated an antennae out of heated / stretched sprue from the trees that were left over from the Dragon individual tracks. You can barely see it in this photo, but trust me, it's there. I followed the kit instructions and made it 55 MM long.
Now that the kit is finished, it almost seems a crime to dirty it up. She looks so good right now, al crisp and clean... but we real tankers know the deal... Tanks only look like this on two days. The day that they get a repainting, and during an inspection.
Other than this, tanks are pretty messy...
This last photo shows the Panzer after I gave it a very light wash to represent desert dust that normally collects on literally everything, the crew included.
Speaking of the crew... they are AWOL. My figure painting skills leave a lot to be desired, and I wanted to depict this tank with a crewman posed in each side hatch, and have the Commander in the cupola.
Eventually I may add them... but for now, this one is as done as it gets.
I hope to write up an article this weekend and post it here on Imodeler.
Like all things, eventually there will be an end.
Many "Thanks" go out to each and every one of you that have been following this build.
David T., Thank you for putting this Group build together. It has been a good one !
I'll leave you with my signature sign off...
"Comments are encouraged".