Trumpeter 1/32 Su-27B, Синий 24, Kluczewo Airfield, Stargard, Poland, 1992

Started by Spiros Pendedekas · 119 · 3 years ago · 1/32, Su-27, Sukhoi, Trumpeter
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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years ago:

    Hi everyone!

    This is my already started Trumpeter 1/32 Su-27B!

    The Sukhoi Su-27 (Russian: Сухой Су-27; NATO reporting name: Flanker) is a Soviet-origin twin-engine supermaneuverable fighter aircraft designed by Sukhoi. It was intended as a direct competitor for the large United States fourth-generation fighters such as the Grumman F-14 Tomcat and F-15 Eagle, with 3,530-kilometre (1,910 nmi) range, heavy aircraft ordnance, sophisticated avionics and high maneuverability. The Su-27 was designed for air superiority missions, and subsequent variants are able to perform almost all aerial warfare operations. It was designed with the Mikoyan MiG-29 as its complement.

    The Su-27 entered service with the Soviet Air Forces in 1985. The primary role was long range air defence against American SAC B-1B and B-52G/H bombers, protecting the Soviet coast from aircraft carriers and flying long range fighter escort for Soviet heavy bombers such as the Tu-95 "Bear", Tu-22M "Backfire" and Tu-160 "Blackjack".

    There are several related developments of the Su-27 design. The Su-30 is a two-seat, dual-role fighter for all-weather, air-to-air and air-to-surface deep interdiction missions. The Su-33 'Flanker-D' is a naval fleet defense interceptor for use on aircraft carriers. Further versions include the side-by-side two-seat Su-34 'Fullback' strike/fighter-bomber variant, and the Su-35 'Flanker-E' improved air superiority and multi-role fighter. The Shenyang J-11 is a Chinese licence-built version of the Su-27.

    The 1/32 Trumpeter kit made quite an impact upon its appearance in 2004 and looks very impressive in the box even today: clean molds with nice recessed panel lines, well executed cockpit,wheel wells and exhaust nozles etc. And it's big. VERY BIG! Check the next pic, with an 1/72 Buckeye on top of it:

    The nice looking tires are vinyl, which might not be to everybody's liking. Metal landing gear main struts are provided, together with classic styrene ones, in case you have strength concerns about the latter. There's some PE, too, I'll come back to it later on.
    Typically for Trumpeter, only one decalling option is provided, Blue 24, 582 Fighter Regiment, 4th Air Army, based at Chojna, Poland in 1992. At least, it carries nice kill markings. Decals look super, and I sense they were made by Cartograf. Instructions are loud and clear, but mostly generic color callouts are provided, so some research here...

    I had started this kit upon buying it around 2005.

    The basic airframe was assembled, as well as all flying surfaces, pylons, seat and engine exhausts (their depth was increased by inserting a plastic tube of similar diameter, looking more realistic).

    Then it was left aside, mainly serving as my sons simulated missions aircraft, "flown" around the basement.

    You can see that glue has "weathered" in some joints (oh my, now we have weathered unfinished models!), so fresh one will be applied (possibly liquefied styrene, to double act as filler).

    i will finish it OOB, as usual.
    I think I've read somewhere about accuracy issues, both styrene and decal/scheme choice ones. I don't really mind, already looks like a Su-27 to my eyes.
    So here it is!
    The time has come for this matrioshka of a build, but a beauty of a plane!
    Thanks Herr Admin, for the conception of this GB!
    More to come!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years ago:


    I applied liquefied styrene (LqS) allover the joints, where the previous glue had weathered and mostly gone away. I also applied LqS at the many gaps and mismatches that were present:

    Surprisingly, fit is not that good at certain places, like the intake to fuselage joint.

    Additionally, areas like the slats present really bad look, should you decide to depict them closed, as is the normal posture in a parked plane. I hope LqS smooths things...we'll see after the first coarse sanding...

    I started to assemble the landing gear, too. Instructions want you to trap the front wheel between the two supporting arms. I wouldn't like this idea, so left it off. I did not glue the middle part of the supporting arms to the leg, hoping they will flex enough, in order to receive the fron wheel at the final stages...

    Thanks for stopping by!

    More to come!

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    Tom Cleaver said 4 years ago:

    That's gonna be a monster! Looking good @fiveten.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years ago:

    Thanks Tom @tcinla!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years ago:

    First round of sanding...

    After liquefied styrend (LqS) cured, I did a coarse sanding to smooth things out. Here's how she looks:

    A second round of LqS/sanding will take place, hoping to end with an acceptable result, in order to proceed further on...

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    Eric Berg said 4 years ago:

    Holy cow! That is one BIG model!
    I hope it’s one of Trumpeter’s better kits.
    Found any mistakes yet, Spiros?

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    Pedro L. Rocha said 4 years ago:

    Massive model, gonna take lots of paint also 😉
    But more seriously that kit must have a lot of potential to be a highlight of any collection

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years ago:

    Thanks my friends @eb801 and @holzhamer!

    Upon its appearance, this kit looked very impressive: big, modern, nice recessed panel lines, two piece metal LG cylinders with springs to install (which is a definitely innecessary fiddle - for me) , PE (but the hard metal type, which are dificult to cut and bend), vinyl tyres (not a plus for many...), open gun compartment, shafts for the moveable surfaces (which turned out to be a minus, due to its complexity and "multimedia" status and I don't really bother to have my moveable surfaces toyishly "moveable"...) and so on.

    Fit at certain areas leaves a lot to be desired, though (slats and engine intakes, for instance - but a part of it might well be my mistake).

    There are some ejection pin marks at prominent places and, at this scale of this massive fighter, I believe LG brake and electric lines should be provided ( I will scratchbuild some stuff there...).

    Cockpit is ok, but nothing special: just a scale up version (bit more beefed up) of its quarterscale brother. A moving canopy feature is provided, but it is fiddly and will look a tad toyish, upon finished. It has been also stated that there's a center mold line at the canopy centerline, but I haven't unpacked mine yet to see... 🙂

    Shape looks good. There are some small raised details at the rudders that I am not sure if they are depicted well...they protrude a bit unnaturally. Also, some bleed exits at the back of the fuselage look a bit rectangular, not aerodynamically refined, but I will have to find some ref pics to evaluate this.

    All in all, it looks to be a nice kit: big, bold and beautiful! However, IMHO, Trumpeter should have avoided all those "extras" (vinyl tires, two piece metal LG, metal shafts for the moving surfaces, hard PE, and so on..), which add up to the kit cost anyway.

    They should have concentrated in providing an even more detailed cockpit and landing gear. Like they had Cartograf printing their decals, they might possibly ask a specialized company, like Eduard, to provide a marvellous PE to beef up the allaround detail this big beautiful plane cries for.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Now that the 1/72 Starfighter is finished and the Buckeye is finishing soon, it's time to re-engage in my Sukhoi battle...

    So, after an initial filling with liquefied styrene and sanding, I attached the two fins, with the rudders affixed on them, plus the two ventral fins. Fit was so so and i had to apply liquefied styrene to the top fin joints, to double act as a strengthener. Here's how the Sukhoi looks:


    The flaperons and elevators were left off, as they droop upon engine shutdown and will be easier to paint and attach at later stages.

    More to come!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Gluing madness...

    The Sukhoi models, like the F-4, need no weight (but I checked, just in case... 🙂 ). So, I attached the radome...

    ...the wingtip pylons... ...and the intake situated stabilizing strakes...

    Fit was so so at places, but it might just be my fault. For sure fit is not perfect, as initially expected by looking at those molds (and I also hear the Trumpeter quarterscale Vigilante giving me a thumbs-up for my statement!).

    Anyway, liquefied styrene took care of all gaps.

    Here's how this absolute beauty of a plane looks at the moment:

    Build them, don't bin them!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Basic airframe sanded

    One thing of concern, is the fact that Trumpeter provides the pitot and the various antennas with small "bases", to be attached at corresponding notches at the airframe. This, of course, will result to gaps, extremely difficult to deal with. I am thinking of detaching those mini bases, attach and fill/sand onto the airframe and glue the pitot or antennas at finishing stages...

    Left " as is" can be an option, but the looks will be a tad on the Trumpetsurreal side...

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    Wes Pennest said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    You're doing a great job at nibbling away at this monster.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Thanks @avispa93.
    Oh my, she's BIG!

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    Pedro L. Rocha said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Big is an understatement Spiros 😉 hope your paint stock is at full level

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Maybe I should switch to automotive paint for this, my friend @holzhamer 🙂 ...