1. made my own decals here
2. RAF numbers came from the decal dungeon.
Back in business after printing my own decals to get the correct Royal Navy VX250 markings which are unavailable elsewhere far as i can tell. I ran out of decal paper so it will be a few days before I can print the squadron crest that was painted on the nose.
1. red formation tube light
2. these two letters gave me some grief and that's why you can see the clear edges.
Moving forward, the folding wings are completed and ready to install. Note the tube formation lights I made on the rear of the wing tip. Needs a touch of white glue for a lens. Next up is some slight weathering on the main fuselage and wings and then a final clear coat. Won't be long before this Hornet will be standing on it's legs.Getting close to the finish line at last.