Czech Model FJ-1 Fury

Started by Chuck Horner · 44 · 3 months ago
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    Chuck Horner said 4 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Just joined this group with an FJ-1 build. The kit's been on the "shelf of Doom" for years after I screwed up one wing trying to correct a bad warp. I'm going to try a mate an old ID Model vacu-form wing to the Czech model fuselage. This could easily turn into a disastrous, un-buildable kit, but it should be fun trying.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Great entry of a challenging kit, Chuck @charleshorner
    I always have respect for people trying to build a vacu form model.
    For sure your skills will turn this into a wonderful Fury.

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    Carl Smoot said 4 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Cool, this will interesting to watch. And another Navy bird, yay!

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    Andrew H said 4 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Awesome! Wishing you the best of luck with the kitbashing. I thought about throwing my hat in with this kit, but too much on my plate at the moment, thus, looking forward to seeing your build. 🙂

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Good luck, Chuck (@charleshorner). I drug this kit around for a long time and eventually took it to my local hobby shop for a consignment sale. I like a challenge, but this kit has to be the holy grail of challenging kits. It will be a great entry to the group and I am really looking forward to your build.

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    John Healy said 4 months, 3 weeks ago:

    I’m looking forward to seeing this develop. Give her your best!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Excellent entry and solid progress already, my friend @charleshorner! Looking forward to it!

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    Robert Royes said 4 months, 3 weeks ago:

    I built one of these awhile back, it was a challenging kit. It was a Sig 1/72 scale

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    Tom Cleaver said 4 months, 3 weeks ago:

    It will be interesting to see the result of mating a primitive limited-run injection kit with a primitive vacuform. BTW - if the canopy is yellowed, go to HyperScale and look up "109Ace" because he does replacement vacuforms using plastic that won't chemically yellow, like the old vacs all did.

    I completely renewed my kit, which had a severely yellow canopy. See below.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Chuck Horner said 4 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Thanks, Tom. I had read your article on building this kit and getting a replacement canopy. I reached out to Kevin Martin and purchase a new one from him. Very quick service and quality product.

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    Chuck Horner said 4 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Made progress on the build this week. The fuselage is together. I had completed the resin cockpit during the first build attempt, but I now found I had lost some pieces. The armored head rest had broken off and lost along with the control stick. I made a new head rest from sheet plastic and found a reasonable facsimile control stick in the spares box. I inserted a brass rod through the fuselage for a wing spar and bent it up 3 degrees for the correct dihedral. I did something similar for the 10 degree tail plane.

    Then I realized I was missing the wheels and one main gear strut. The kit box is a flimsy end-opening type and parts can easily fall out. I’m sure I put these pieces in a safe place – someday I’m sure I’m find that place and the parts, again.

    In the meantime, I needed to build a new gear or abandon the build all together. I took an aluminum tube that was about the same diameter as the remaining kit gear. I flattened the end with a pair of pliers and the bent it to match the kit part. I cut the upper strut apart and inserted a smaller brass rod for the oleo strut. The collars are Tamiya thin tape, wrapped around the shaft several time and coated with super glue to seal them.

    I decided that a matched pair would look better so I built a second one. Things were going so well, I moved on to the nose gear and modified it as well.

    Finally, I was ready to tackle the wings. I had already cut out the wings from the vac-u-form sheet and sanded them down. I discovered that the root cord was shorter than the kit wings and the wing tips did not look right either.

    Measuring twice, then cut the trailing edges of the kit wings (it was the center and leading edge that I had destroyed previously). I cut the vac wings at the rear spar line and mated the two pieces. The wings now match the attached outline on the kit fuselage.

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Tom Cleaver said 4 months, 2 weeks ago:

    That is some inspired work to replace the gear - which looks really good - and the mix-and-match wing.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Some serious work done, Chuck @charleshorner
    Looks great.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Excellent skills and great progress, my friend @charleshorner!

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    Carl Smoot said 4 months, 2 weeks ago:

    This is the type of modeling I really enjoy following, where the modeler takes his or her skill and bends the kit to their will. This is coming along excellently Chuck (@charleshorner). Great save on the landing gear issue and dealing with the wings.