Hasegawa 1/48 F-86F-30, Capt. Harold Fischer, "the Paper Tiger", Suwon, Korea

Started by Matt Dyer · 35 · 8 months ago
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    Matt Dyer said 11 months ago:

    When I received the invitation from George (@gblair) to join this Group Build, I was very pleased. Korean War subjects always interest me, and one cannot have too many F-86 Sabres on one’s shelf. But I had no F-86 kits in my stash at the time. I had always wanted to build the 1/48 scale Hasegawa F-86F, so here was my golden opportunity. I really love Hasegawa kits.

    While ordering the kit from Spruebrothers, I looked at aftermarket items, and decided to buy the Aires interior set and the Brassin wheels. As to the interior, I had no idea if it was better than the kit’s, but I guessed the seat would be better and seat belts were included. The wheels are pure whim. I usually use whatever the manufacturer supplies, but I was feeling generous.

    Luckily, my decal stash was a big help. I had previously purchased the decal sheet from the IPMS Convention in 2022 dedicated to aircraft of the Korean War - often called Forgotten War. Included is the aircraft flown by Capt. Harold E. Fisher of the 39th Fighter Squadron, 51st Fighter Wing in Suwon AB, 1953. His aircraft was named “the Paper Tiger” with a shark mouth. Capt. Fisher was the 25th USAF Jet Ace achieving 10 MiG kills. A truly fitting subject for my build. (For a really well-done history of the 51st Fighter Wing during the Korean War, see “F-86 Sabre Aces of the 51st Fighter Wing”, Osprey Aircraft of the Aces #70, by Warren Thompson.)

    The 1/72nd scale F-86F in my photos is an Academy kit I built last year.

    Time to stop writing and time to start building!

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 11 months ago:

    That's a wonderful entry, Matt @matthewfdyer
    Looking forward to it.

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    Tom Cleaver said 11 months ago:

    @matthewfdyer - Do not use the Aires cockpit! As with too many of the other things they do, it doesn't fit. Do use the seat. Since Paper Tiger is a "black cockpit" F-86F-5, you won't see much of the detail anyway. The only thing the Sabre ever really needs is a resin seat.

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    George R Blair Jr said 11 months ago:

    This will be great model for the group, Matt (@matthewfdyer). The Hasegawa is a really nice kit and you have chosen some great markings. Looking forward to your build.

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    Matt Dyer said 11 months ago:

    Thank you, John (@johnb). As I live in Arizona, our building season is getting under way, so this will be a great project to start with.

    Thank you, Tom (@tcinla) I was not overly optimistic about fit, as I recall a previous build of a P-47 that I tried to use an Aires interior and had terrible fit problems. But as you advise, the seat is worth having. And thanks for the cockpit color info, as my research had not pinned that one down for me. I appreciate the help.

    Thanks, George (@gblair). Thank you for moving this kit from my Someday List to the Let's Get 'er Done List.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 11 months ago:

    Excellent entry, my friend @matthewfdyer! great extras too!
    Looking forward to your build!

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    Matt Dyer said 10 months, 4 weeks ago:

    Thanks, Spiros (@fiveten)! Hasegawa 1/48 kits are among my favorites and the F-86 is an icon.

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    Alfred van Paaschen said 10 months, 4 weeks ago:

    Nice one, Matt!
    Looking forward to see it taking shape and how it compares to the Academy kit.

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    Matt Dyer said 10 months, 1 week ago:

    I followed some cockpit advice I received from Tom Cleaver (@tcinla), i.e. Paint It Black and forget using the Aries tub but do use the ejection seat. The instrument panel is the kit decal. I'll decide later if the canopy will be open or closed. There is a little detail on the cockpit side walls which looks nice when dry brushed. Lately, I have been using Dio Drybrush paint from Ammo, and while virtually any paint will do, I have found this product is easier to apply and is very controllable.

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 10 months, 1 week ago:

    Some very nice work on this cockpit, Matt @matthewfdyer

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 10 months, 1 week ago:

    Cockpit looks fantastic, my friend @matthewfdyer!

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    Matt Dyer said 9 months, 3 weeks ago:

    For the past couple of weeks, my modeling mojo has been on a break for no particular reason. It just happens now and then. I become conspicuous in my absence from my workbench. But, just the other day, we hit 100 degrees in Phoenix for the first time this year, and for me that is the opening signal for the Southwest Modeling Season. Because 100 will soon be followed by 115 and goodness forbid, maybe more. So, as a transplanted Yankee, I do what I did during long New England winters - I build models. And the photo shows I have made a little progress. I test fitted the wing, and it appears the fit is pretty good, so final assembly and paint cannot be far off.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    George R Blair Jr said 9 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Things are moving along now, Matt (@matthewfdyer). Cockpit is great, and the sub-assemblies look ready to go. I like your model stand. Do you make a new one for each model? We are supposed to hit 100 in the next couple of days. Only a month earlier than normal. Looks like a hot summer. Just like yours in Phoenix, but with humidity.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 9 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Solid progress and great looks, my friend @matthewfdyer! Nice to see your F-86 moving along!

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    Matt Dyer said 9 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Thank you, George (@gblair). That particular stand happened to be in reach and was made for a recently completed Hobby Boss Romanian IAR-80. I make one when an existing one won't fit. They are great for decal work. I make ones to hold the model on its side for that too. Foam core is so useful! I can't complain. 10% humidity is kind of low. Hardly ever have to look at the moisture trap on my compressor.