Thanks Spiros (@fiveten), JOhn (@johnb), George (@gblair), and Alfred (@alfred), my mojo is still somewhat there, it's just a bit smaller while I work to get through this build. I will be building something easier after this as well as working on the USS San Francisco project.
This morning, I started looking into the carrier deck base and immediately ran into some things that have made me decide to skip this, at least for now. I have a carrier deck molding, however, it is not big enough for the Fury, and even if it were, it is not the part of the deck I had wanted to use. I had always envisioned a catapult scene.
So given that, I thought about it for awhile and decided that the work needed to make a carrier base from scratch would drag this build out for too long with a very real risk of me losing interest in it. Therefore, I am going to finish the model itself, and perhaps at some point in the future, I will do a carrier base.
I do have an idea which I will probably experiment with, namely using my vinyl cutter to do some light engraving on a sheet of styrene. The idea here is to layout the wood planking in a drawing, along with other details, and then set the blade on the cutter to very shallow and have it cut all of that into the sheet styrene. This would save a considerable amount of effort from having to individually create and glue planks to a display base. For now, this will just be an experiment, but if its successful, or at least shows promise, then I will return to it possibly in the future to make the carrier deck.
Anyway, enough of that. I did get the decaling done today. There wasn't much to do. The two largest tasks were creating the black serial numbers and printing them on clear decal sheet, and then piecing together the white lettering for the nose intake warning from the kit decals. My choice of red paint matched the decal colors very well and the two blend together quite nicely.
I had to cut the original kit decal into four separate words and piece them back together so they would fit on the red triangular area.
While decaling, I had to place a red warning on the exhaust as well. When I looked at it closely, imagine my surprise when the text on that was even worse than on the nose. It should be "Beware Of Jet Blast", but what is says is "Beware Or Jeimblast". 🙁
It's pretty small and I went ahead and used the decals anyway, but it's frustrating that this kind of thing got past whatever Hobby Boss calls their QA department.They probably call it the "Will Anyone Notice It Department" and decide if they care or not. Sorry about the rant.
Gloss coat and oil wash is next.