Final Countdown -F14A VF-84 Jolly Rogers, A6m Zero

Started by Chuck A. Villanueva · 141 · 4 years ago
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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Since I was pondering an F-14 build this upcoming new year. This was the perfect reason and inspiration to put it on the build list for 2019. As well as a zero. in 48th scale. It will be one of Hasegawa's F-14A and a Hase Zeke. May even do a Sea King in 72nd scale. A lot of possibilities from the movie. i may contemplate to do the whole air wing from the USS Nimitz. Since we have time. As you know it was a movie made in 1980, so the aircraft are still in the Gull Grey/White schemes of the day. Interesting scenario going back in time as a modern nuclear carrier somehow is sailing in the Pacific on Dec 6th 1941. The look of the Japanese pilot as he is escorted off the Sea King onto the flight deck as jets are being launched off the catapult, probably thinking how far advanced American technology has come and they have no chance with this kind of power. Still fun to watch this what if movie starring Kirk Douglas, Martin Sheen and James Farentino. Imagine what it if the strike package was allowed to intercept the Japanese strike group and then on to sink the Japanese fleet. F-14's taking out the bombers and escorts, while the A-6's and A-7's are sinking the fleet.

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    david leigh-smith said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Hi Chuck. An inspired choice for the Movie Group Build. Who can’t resist time travel with ‘modern hardware’ in WW2?

    Personally I think It’d be a better movie if they’d been able to attack the Japanese task force. How would it have changed the future, could have made it worse? and exploring all kinds of time travel paradoxes. This film is a real guilty pleasure of mine; I watched it last on TV with my son a month ago on a rainy Sunday afternoon (he normally doesn’t ‘do’ war stuff other than Call of Duty gaming) and he really enjoyed it.

    Thanks For the support - I for one can’t wait to see the F14 and Zero together.

    Fly Navy.


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    Jeff Bailey said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Aaaahhh! Another great sci-fi "What If" movie! I love this film! The only problem with a scenario where "the strike package was allowed to intercept the Japanese strike group and then on to sink the Japanese fleet. F-14’s taking out the bombers and escorts, while the A-6’s and A-7’s are sinking the fleet" would be that it would likely be rather one-sided affair. And rather quickly finished, too. But it would have been fun to see.
    David, you're right about the possible changes in history and parallel universes, etc. There could be some strange moral consequences, as well. I don't think liking the movie should be a "guilty pleasure," however. It's just a fun story!

    Great choice, Chuck! I look forward to your finished project.

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    Chaz Sutherland said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Awesome choice Chuck. Recently, my wife agreed to watch this with me (since me, my brothers and buddies would sometimes make reference to it). It was fun to see it again. My wife however, says she'll never understand the y-chromosome. As payment, I had to sit through Joyful Noise with her... which I secretly liked, but won't let her know since it was considered payment in full.

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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Great choice Chuck!

    I watched The Final Countdown a long time ago, probably right after it came ou, but remember I loved it then. Will re-watch it again soon.

    It reminds me of the Philadephia Experiment (not the film of the same name, but the time travel thing), and I guess it's probably based on that story (real or fiction... only time will tell I guess) .



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    Robert Royes said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    What a blast from the past! Nice choice!. Only, if they did the movie a year or so earlier,
    Phantoms could of been the star of the show, oh well..

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Thanks DL, I am sure it may have been bandied about on how to play out that alternate ending. probably didn't have a proper explanation in altering what had already taken place in history, thus even making the USS Nimitz non existent. Who knows as the course of history would've definitely been changed.

    Jeff, so good of you to read your input thank you. Just an entertaining movie with it's spin of history and what if's. The sudden appearance of the storm anomaly at the moment the strike package is about to engage. Trying to explain there presence in that point of time, especially to the senator who is totally awed and angry at the same time. Just seems as our technology evolves with AI and other intelligent systems, doesn't seem so far fetched time travel.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Hi Chaz, I know the feeling, though I bet she knows anyway. They have that sense that God gave these women. Just when ya think you got them. They just have their ways of knowing more than they let on.

    Welcome Adolfo, thanks, you know you may be onto something that seems to be more truthful these days the way technology seems to keep evolving making the latest gizmos on your cell phone obsolete in 6 months. Remember when DVD's were the bomb, now we have blu ray discs and the latest hi def TV's. Time is so fleeting and new things keep cropping up around the world. Soon will be taking a day trip to the moon. If Elon Musk and Richard Branson continue their amazing work on space travel.

    Richard, thanks, and funny you should mention that as I was just thinking that and went over certain parts of the movie to see if any F-4's were somewhere on the deck or in the hangar. Yet there is and nice to see an RF-8 Crusader involved in the movie.

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    Jeff Bailey said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Chuck, I really like the boat scene with the Senators. (I'll watch about ANYTHING with Charles Durning.) It was a shame however that they destroyed that gorgeous Chris Craft. When those F-14s went roaring overhead, the reactions were GREAT! It could almost transport ME back in time where I would see modern jets from a 1940s perspective.

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    david leigh-smith said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Hey Chuck, you could make a diorama based on ‘Joyful Noise’ but I doubt you could find enough plastic...

    In terms of what we now know regarding the possibilities of Multiple Universe theory then the whole ‘grandfather paradox’ is null and void, meaning time travel IS on the table. The timeline we go ‘back’ to would generate another, new timeline which is completely independent of the timeline we originally came from. I love time travel stories. You know, if we were talking bucket list builds, I’d scratch build this...

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    Robert Royes said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Time travel, always interesting, if you went back and killed your Grandfather, the moment you did it would suddenly cease to exist? I was on Nimitz for the 76/77 Med cruise, with VF-74 F-4'S, After that VF-84 and VF-41 F-14's joined her air wing.

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    James B Robinson said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Here you go David,
    And they have it in different sizes AND a motorized version! 😉


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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Robert (@roofrat)

    "if you went back and killed your Grandfather, the moment you did it would suddenly cease to exist?"

    That's one of the greatest paradoxes when theorizing about time traveling to the past.
    Answering your question, I don't think so. There must be some universal laws that forbid to mess with the past. Even if that was possible, by killing your grandfathar in the past would (if possible!) most probably create a different timeline, and in the future (or the present) both would co-exist, one where everything would be the reality you'd know (you existing in there), and another where you'd no longer exist because your grandfather wouldn't exist anymore.

    Does it make sense?...



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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    David (@dirtylittlefokker)

    "In terms of what we now know regarding the possibilities of Multiple Universe theory then the whole "grandfather paradox" is nul and void, meaning time travel IS on the table"

    You're right!
    Believe the theory is called the Multiverse Theory.
    There's also the Omniverse Theory (believe this one was coined by activist, international lawyer, founder of the Exopolitics concept and later the Exopolitics Institute, Alfred Lambremont Webre).

    Things (everything, even time as we know it) are moving much, much faster now than just a couple of decades ago!

    I like to point out that some 25 years ago or so, the mainstream scientific community (Astronomers in this case) categorically denied the possibility of other planets orbiting other stars (but there are Billions of them in our Milky Way Galaxy alone!), implying that our solar system would be the only one around (this, in a Universe where there are many Billions of other galaxies!), having planets, moons, etc.

    Well, first with Hubble, now Kepler, and soon the James Webb Space Telescope, all those "scientific certainties" are being totally washed out!
    Kepler alone has found more planets orbiting their own stars then the most prolific sci-fi authors could even imagine!
    To the point that only in 2-3 decades the theories are now the exact opposite, and the conclusions are that almost certainly every single star we see in the night sky has its own group of planets orbiting it!

    That makes the Drake equation much more plausible, and with all the new data the possibilities of intelligent life out there have significantly increased... (that is for the mainstream, the skeptics, the deniers... others know this Universe is teaming with intelligent life, and we are visited every single day, every single night!... after all, if indeed our solar system is around 4 billion years old, and if indeed this Universe is around 14 billion years old... just imagine how many Civilizations out there may have formed in that 10 billion years gap!...)



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    Robert Royes said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    My head staring to hurt, where's the beer.