Off and Running - Back On The Job...
After taking a bit of a holiday from completing that DoraWings Lancer, I have got my modeling mojo cranked up again and have commenced building my next group submission - Eduard's delightful Fw 190A-5, my second Fw-190 group entry. No need to say much at this point that I didn't before. This kit is a pleasure to construct. So here we go starting with the main office.
I wasn't paying attention (duh) and installed the seatbelts upside down. Gotta love PE because they popped right off and I was able to position them the proper way. Whew!
Funny how when you stare at photos there's always something to correct. I'm going to tone down those red knobs and fix a few other items. I will no doubt have the fuselage with the cockpit installed together over the next couple of days.