Thanks @fiveten, @johnb, @holzhamer! And @mikegolf, good to hear from you as well my friend! How have you been!?
Continued the work on the elevator cap today. Wanted to do more but work prevented so. Here is where I am at:
Hinges: Drew the basic hinges required to make the elevator cap door workable. First, I entered a few lines of 3D shape defining code in OpenScad, you can see this here
I like OpenScad because it is freeware but also because the syntax is rather simple. You can define basic 3D shapes and then build from there using logic operations such as union, difference etc. The result is an .stl file which is then converted into a printer ready code in .gcode. The .stl is read by Slic3r (also freeware) and this program generates the .gcode that has the main printer settings (nozzle speed, coordinates and temperatures) in it. This is the view from Slicer for the same hinge shapes (I need 3):
Now my printer is working for me as if it was my little slave:
On the elevator cap front: Lots of chiseling for the moment. I wanted to open the front hatch and had to work through about 8mm of polyamide. I drilled out the rough hole and then set to chiseling x 1000. You can see the result (and the dust, it really is just plastic dust, my name is not Tony Montana 😉 ) here
Will continue in the morning, refining the chiseling job and then sanding.
Happy modeling!