Spiros (@fiveten): Really looking nice. Getting close to the finish line.
John (@johnb): You are a glutton for punishment. Opening these vents after the fuselage is already closed up must have been tough. They really look good, so I would say it was worth the effort.
I did some research on the red markings applied to my 109A after it was forced down. There are a handful of photos taken after the plane was captured in Spain, and another handful of photos of this plane during testing in Russia. Apparently the red panels which covered the markings were only present in Spain. The plane appears to be in natural metal in the pictures in Russia, so apparently all of the paint was removed. There are no photos that show all of the red panels in Spain, so the dimensions and location of these panels is conjectural. I found 3 depictions of this plane with the red panels in various books, and all of them are different. What we do know is the panels were painted in "Republican" red and that they covered the Condor Legion markings. So...I looked at the diagrams in the kit to see where the markings were located, and that is where I painted the panels. I used Vallejo Modelair Ferrari Red to paint the panels. I like the color, but it was really difficult to clean out of the airbrush. Some last painting tomorrow, and then final assembly. Yeah! I attempted to import 4 photos, but only 1 made it. Yesterday I got 100% to upload, today down to 25%. That's why this is frustrating.