Revell 1/72 Heinkel He-177 w/Fritz X

Started by Spiros Pendedekas · 87 · 1 year ago · 1/72, Fritz X, He-177, Heinkel, Luftwaffe, Luftwaffe GB, Revell
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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Hi everyone!

    This is my frirst entry to this wonderful GB, concepted and run by our friend Louis @lgardner!

    This iconic plane is well known to most of you; this "special version" carried the Fritz X guided missiles, more on the type history at next posting, as it is Saturday morning, weather is good, my two little monkeys practically dragging me out to cycle on theirbikes!

    The Revell kit is amazing: one of the great Revell releases some 20 years ago, detailed, well molded, excellent Cartograf decals and practically killer price: what more can you ask for? Oh, yes: Revell, please revive those days again, with other types!

    I had started this kit more than 10 years ago, then had to move to my new house etc...More than a year ago, I started working on it again, at a very slow pace. Here she is today:

    She is already assembled and painted, still no decals. I plan to do a plane based in Bordeaux. The camo is freehanded, the borders are not extremely sharp, but not too loose either.

    Here's a pic of the little bits, some of them assembled and painted:

    Here's some pics of the instructions, all nice and clear, perfect!

    Here is the decal sheet, printed by Cartograf, meaning high quality, only missing Swastikas

    And here is a box section, containing detailed pics of a finished model

    So, here she is!

    I will not lie: I had this kit in practically "idle" mode, waiting for Louis to launch this GB 🙂

    More to follow, thanks for stopping by!

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    Paul Barber said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Out of the gates as fast as ever Spiros - a ten year plus build - fantastic! Great subject - already looking brilliant!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Already looking sharp, Spiros @fiveten.
    That freehanded camouflage looks great, love this scheme.
    Even in 1/72 scale this one is huge.
    Looking forward to the next steps.

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    walt samardak said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Looking Good! Spiros!

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    Pedro L. Rocha said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Spiros @fiveten, you have what is called a “ahead of press” article since the GB is not officially open ahahah!
    This is a great opportunity to see this kit built.
    It’s one I would buy in a bigger scale if I had the space to display it

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Nice entry - I'll be strapped in to follow the rest of this PFP-build.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Thank you so much for the warmest reception, my friends @yellow10, @johnb, @waltosoaring, @holzhamer and @airbum!

    Your "presence" is the greatest motivator!

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Good morning Spiros, can always count on you for a rare and unusual build on these German bombers seldom seen. Revell does produce a number of these rare bombers in 72nd scale. Looking forward to the final finish on this one. Excellent start.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Thank you so much my friend @uscusn!

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    Csaba said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Wow, this kit has been in my stash for ages! Now it is in “remote storage” at my parents’ house, but I should soon sort out that mess over there. Unfortunately the current restrictions make it very difficult to travel home across Europe, especially with small kids.
    So, until I figure out what to do with my remote stash, I will watch this build!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Thanks my friend @pikofix!

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    Tom Cleaver said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Looks good @fiveten. An interesting camo choice that looks nice already.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Thanks my friend @tcinla!

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    John Healy said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Great choice, Spiros. That looks like a high quality kit. I like 1/72 for large bombers.

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    George Schembri said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Looks amazing Spiros (@fiveten) and awesome paintwork!
    Great choice, I do not think I've ever seen the Revel kit built and it looks fantastic!
    Were you ever a Boy Scout? They're motto was 'Be Prepared'