Another Ta 152H - Finished!

Started by Eric Berg · 68 · 1 year ago · dml, Dragon, EagleCals, Jerry Crandall, Ta-152 H, Trimaster
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    Eric Berg said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    Louis @lgardner: You're right about life things getting in the way. Every day it seems.

    Regarding the fit of the Trimaster wings. Yeah, it's not great. I did attach the bottom wing several times to the fuselage using tape and then taped the top wing into place to make sure all fits. Removing the locator pins before gluing might be a smart move next time. The leading edge is the problem and once I got it to line up as close as possible, there were some areas that need a bit of putty. A lot of sanding was needed to smooth it all out and get rid of the seam. However when the wing assembly top and bottom was completed and sanded multiple times, it popped into place very nicely with no gaps and no additional filler needed. The only area that didn't line up perfectly is the trailing end of the wing where it joins the fuselage at the rear where the wing curve is. A little sanding quickly took care of that.

    It also seems to me the kit props are not accurate but I'm going to use them anyway.

    Model on, Louis.

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    Eric Berg said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    The View From Below

    This image shows why, like it or not, you need to at least partially build the engine if your kit comes with one. I understand the current Italeri re-pop of this Trimester kit doesn't include this Jumo engine so it could look pretty empty in there without it. Thing is, is anyone going to flip the completed model over an actually notice this void?

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    You are right, Eric @eb801
    Likely no one will flip the aircraft, but for myself I still would prefer to have the engine placed just like you did.
    Looks really nice now.

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    Eric Berg said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    @johnb - we drive ourselves crazy going to these extra, possibly unnecessary, additional steps to make everything accurate because "we know it's there", right?

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    @eb801, you are fully right, Eric. Spending lots of work on interiors which will be barely visible, still when building it feels right (at least to me) to have all the details in place. What pleasures me as well is to learn about those details while doing research.

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    Eric Berg said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    I totally agree John @johnb.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    Looking great with the engine attached, my friend @eb801! I believe Italeri should have included the engine: an unnecessary shortcut, dooming am otherwise very good kit. Fully agree with yours and our friend's @johnb thoughts.

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    Pedro L. Rocha said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    In the image of the wheel wells of your model you say “imagine what this would look like if there was no engine”, well Eric that’s exactly the issue with my re-issue edition by Italeri… a big void. Not sure how to solve this, perhaps best to pretend it’s there 🙂

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    Eric Berg said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    Pedro@holzhamer: Pretending goes along way unless modeling guilt sets in and then what? You could always spend double and pick up a DML kit off you know where. Or stuff the void with Kleenex and spray it black?

    Pretending is cheaper.

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    Tom Cleaver said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    Kit prop is actually accurate. You can insure rear trailing edge fit with a piece of sprue due to widen the fuselage at that point beneath the cockpit - this is a well-known problem with all Dragon Fw-190s.

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    Pedro L. Rocha said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    No doubt about it Erik 😉 @eb801

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    Eric Berg said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    A Word About the Cowl

    The cowl sprue attachments are quite thick and careful removal is required or you will end up with a chunk out of one or more cowl flaps. But that's an easy fix. Just super glue a wedge of Evergreen styrene to the offending flap and sand clean. Fortunately I had a spare cowl leftover from Dragon 's Ta-152C-0 for comparison/emergency replacement. I am also using Quickboost's Ta 152H update set that has open gun barrels and air scoops which this kit sorely needs.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    Nice trick to get it fixed, Eric @eb801
    Thaks for sharing.
    The heat deflector looks superb.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 1 month ago:

    Great fix and I love the Quickboost stuff, my friend @eb801!

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    Eric Berg said 2 years ago:

    Sink Marks!

    In between basting the holiday turkey every 30 minutes today, I discovered a bunch of sink marks on the trailing edge of both wings where it meets the fuselage on both sides. Or maybe it was short shot. No problem I just filled them with Mr. Surfacer 500 and sanded them away. Good as new!


    I discovered a highly visible and very nasty vertical gouge on the port inside of the canopy. I spent about an hour sanding and polishing away and then doing it all over again until I finally got rid of it without any cracking. Whew. It wasn't easy working on the inside! Then I dipped it in Future after washing the waxy polish off with 70% rubbing alcohol. Needs a little more buffing, but I think I pulled it off.