Hasegawa F-86E-5(Can) "DarlingDottie" flown by John F. Bolt USMC

Started by Tom Cleaver · 21 · 1 year ago
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    Tom Cleaver said 1 year ago:

    Wow! I just realized looking through this group that there is only one - one! - F-86 Sabre (Colin Gomez's model of Jim Thompson's "The Huff".

    Here is the F-86E-5(Can) flown by Marine Major John F. Bolt on TDY with the 51st FIW in 1953; Bolt, a WorldWar II ace with VMF-214, was the only USMC Mig Ace of the Korean War. Several Marines flew with the 51st FIW in Fall 1952/Spring 1953. Several scored 1 or two victories. Bolt's nearest Marine competitor was John Glenn, who scored 3 and likely would have made it to 5 if the war had gone another week, since he was "on a roll" at the end. Interestingly, with the ROE loosened in the spring of 1953 to allow "hot pursuit" north of the Yalu, 3 of Bolt's 5 victories were scored over Manchuria.

    The F-86E-5(Can) was a Canadair-built Sabre Mk. 4. The USAF took delivery of around 225 of them in 1952, to meet demand for Sabres in Korea. This model is done using a Hasegawa F-86F-40 kit (they're fairly cheap and readily available on eBay), with the Red Roo resin wing with slats. This is the wing Bill Scobie did around 15 years ago. It's one-piece, drop fit, and a far better way to get a slatted Sabre than the alternatives. Gary Byk at Red Roo picked it up when Bill went OOP. He pops several at a time, every 6-8 months or so. You have to watch the Red Roo web page to get one - the wing is well worth the wait. I bought two the last time they were available.

    The model uses the True Details (former KMC) resin cockpit, which gives a useful seat with molded-on seatbelts. With that big clear canopy, an F-86 kit needs a good seat! I got this one from Decal Supply Corps on eBay at a nice price.

    I'll be using the Warbird Dec als 48-026 "Korean War F-86 Part 1" for the individual markings for "Darlling Dottie."

    Here are photos of the fuselage under construction with the nose weights added, and photos of the kit assembled. The wing required Mr. Surfacer on all the join areas, and I had to make a "filler block" at the front edge of the center section to fill the gap since this wing does not have the same dimensions as the "6-3" wing the kit has. I also deleted the scoop on the lower rear right fuselage, and the exhaust port atop the fuselage just ahead of the dorsal fin of the vertical stabilizer. These were deleted on the Canadair F-86E.

    6 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year ago:

    Great entry and ditto progress, my friend @tcinla!

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    said 1 year ago:

    John Bolt! I'm fascinated learning about things like Marine aviators doing these exchange programs, like then-Captain Chuck "Sly " Magill, USMC, downing an Iraqi MiG while flying a F-15C with the USAF 58th Squadron during Operation Desert Storm.

    The Sabre looks excellent, I'll be watching to see this one. I need to get a Sabre or two for my collection, they are iconic.

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    Tom Cleaver said 1 year ago:

    Watch eBay for Hasegawa Sabres @tankgrrl. The kit is OOP, but there were a lot of different releases and they show up there. Depending on the release you can get them for $35-$50.

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    said 1 year ago:

    @tcinla - Thank you!

    I've found a few treasures on eBay. A couple of months ago I got the Collector's Hi-Grade F-15A with the ASAT, which was kind of a grail for me.

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    Brian Mennenoh said 1 year ago:

    @tcinla - Looks like it's going to be a fantastic build Tom! I always enjoy the research you put in.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year ago:

    A great entry as well, Tom @tcinla
    One of the most beautiful early jets around.

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    Tom Cleaver said 1 year ago:

    Here's the model assembled and ready for paint. I decided to do it with the canopy closed, so I dipped it in Future for maximum shine and clarity. The slats have been attached.

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    Eric Berg said 1 year ago:

    Man, you are a fast builder. I have yet to add a Sabre to my stash but I never can figure which kit is the one to build. I’ll be waiting to hear your final opinion. Looking good.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year ago:

    Great progress, Tom @tcinla
    Looks great with the slats in open position, will you also leave the airbrakes open.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year ago:

    Amazing progress, my friend @tcinla!

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    Tom Cleaver said 1 year ago:

    @eb801 - the best kit is the Hasegawa Sabre. Fortunately you can still find resin cockpits, since a good seat is essential with that big clear canopy.

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    Tom Cleaver said 1 year ago:

    @johnb - not sure at the moment regarding the air brakes.

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    Tom Cleaver said 1 year ago:

    Here's the model painted. Vallejo metalizer colors used.

    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year ago:

    Love the painting results, my friend @tcinla!