Well time to get back in the saddle and lets start back up on the ICM Invader. Starting on the lower surfaces. First the national markings and USAF on the lower wing surfaces.
1. The silvering disappears as the decal dries and sets. Scary at first.
Using the Micro Scale system of Micro Set and Micro Sol to apply the decals which reacted perfectly. As they set the decal snuggles into the panel lines.
Stenciling on the side of the nacelles.
Not much underneath, over the top, along with the national markings, USAF and wing walks.
1. Blotchiness on the glossy finish can be seen in this view, as I hoped for.
Next applying the side markings, starting from the tail to nose, on the LH side.
Next to apply the yellow glass markings, which only appeared on the Black scheme Invaders.
Don't do too many schemes with nose art, but this is a special build and needs a bit of glamour, why not a damsel that is not so risqué in appearance. On the RH side the unit mascot with a bit of color.
Next was the exhaust stains, Tan was applied which can get quite heavy along the top, sides and bottom streaking all the way to trailing edge. After finishing up the Monogram B-26, I decided not to go so heavy, but just enough to get the feel of a well used B-26 in service and flying daily sorties.
After the tan was applied, I went over the center of each streak with some Tamiya Smoke.
I hope that I was able to capture that effect. The stains blending slightly really covering the black paint.
Next a glossy clear coat was applied to seal the decals.'
Next up remove the masks, a bit more weathering.
More to follow