North American T-6G FAC, Monogram 1/48

Started by Jaime Carreon · 39 · 3 years ago
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    Jaime Carreon said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    This one started out with a decal sheet. Friend Tom Bebout had some decals left over from his Korean T-6 build and posted them here on iModeler. He was kind enough to send me the markings for a T-6G called "Night Train", which also happens to be the cover subject for the Squadron book on the Texan. I filed them away as I didn't yet have the kit, figuring I would pick one up after I got done with some other projects. A few weeks later, and much to my surprise, a box arrived on my doorstep containing this model and a note from one Santa Bebout with best wishes and get to building! Couldn't pass up a request like that. Many thanks, my friend!

    This is the Reno racer version of the 1/48 Monogram kit, which just happens to have the correct frameless canopy for the later T-6 models. It's everything I like in a kit - simple and pretty nicely detailed with a low parts count. The cockpit is a very good representation of the real thing, the only thing I added was Airscale instrument decals and masking tape seatbelts with fine wire buckles. I never think to take pictures when I start a new build, so I hope these will do.

    Fit so far is hit or miss depending on where it is. Flaps are intended to be displayed extended, but I've never seen a T-6 on the ground with the flaps down, so the locating tabs were removed and the internal detail was sanded down so they would fit in the up position. Took a while to do that because they don't fit very well. And I somehow managed to misplace the prop spinner, hope it's on the bench somewhere. The only other problem I foresee is that this kit is molded in red (which has made for some interesting paint coverage) and I'm planning a bare metal finish. To that end, does anyone have any experience with Testor's Metalizer paint? I found three jars of the stuff in a box I bought for a couple of bucks from a hobby shop going out of business. It appears to be premixed, just point and shoot.

    And, for those of you who fall into the "cheap modeler" category (yes, that's me), Krylon Woodland Light Green camo paint in the spray can is very close to FS34151 US interior green. Amazon has it, but I haven't been able to find it locally...

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John Healy said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Great project, Jaime. I’ve had that decal sheet for years too. I’m looking forward to seeing this develop.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    A great project, indeed, Jaime @jetmex! As you, I also love all those Monogram kit qualities you pointed out. The cockpit looks great!

    I am using Testors Burned Metal, but apply it with a brush and, upon drying, I polish it with a soft cloth. Works fine, but I have never airbrushed it. It is thin enough to he airbrushed "as is", I believe. My feeling is that your Metalizer will be airbrushed nicely.

    Looking forward to your Texan!

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    Tom Cleaver said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    @jetmex - You can use the Testor's metalizer, if you then spray a clear coat over it. That is what you want with this airplane, because it was not "NMF" but rather painted in aluminum lacquer. You could also use what I have been successfully using for aluminum lacquer, which will allow you to "weather" the finish. That is Tamiya XF-16 Flat Aluminum, thinned 50/50 with a clear gloss (I've been using Micro-Sol clear Gloss, you could also use Tamiya Clear Gloss, but thin it 50/50 with Tamiya's thinner X-20A). Paint the model overall Tamoya Semi-gloss Black X-18, which will cover that godawful red plastic, then mist on the aluminum - you can let the Tamiya aluminum have "varied surface" which will take care of your weathering, then apply the clear gloss, then apply the decals, then apply a clear flat and you will have a Korean "Mosquito."

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Very nice progress Jaime @jetmex! I'm not able to give you any info on the Testors as I've never used it, but I'm sure you will get it right with your skill and workmanship! I shall be strapped in to follow this build.

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    Louis Gardner said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Jaime, @jetmex
    Welcome back to the Korean War group. Mr. Bebout @tom-bebout
    is quite a good guy ! You should take a look at the spray paint isle at the home improvement store called Lowe's. They have this color along with the rest of the camouflage colors at our local store in stock. I have also seen it at the auto parts store called O'Reily's.

    As far as the Model Master metalizer paint, it's some of the best spraying stuff I have run across. You can thin it down with lacquer thinner, but this is only necessary if it is drying up or is very old. Otherwise you can spray it as is straight from the bottle. Sounds like the air brush compressor I gave you is working out very nicely for you. This makes me VERY happy !

    You should seal the MMM with a clear after it has been sprayed. Before you do, just make sure that you have not left any evidence (i.e. fingerprints) behind. It will also transfer to your hands and fingers in the same manner that never seize bolt thread protectant does... You and I being mechanical in nature during our "previous life" will know exactly what I mean there... 😉 I got to where I started wearing gloves when I was handling a MMM finish and this works great.

    As far as the clear to use on top as a sealer, good old "Future" clear floor acrylic will work just fine and it does the same job as the specialty dedicated MMM clear sealant does. It's next to impossible to find any of the MMM paints now. Good score with finding it.

    Thanks for starting another project for our ever growing group. Like the others, I too am strapped in and watching this one as it comes to life in front of our very own eyes.

    Many years ago I was very fortunate and got to ride in this plane...

    So the T-6 / SNJ is a plane that I will always love. They have a distinctive sound on take off too, if the pilot has the prop set just right, the tips almost break the speed of sound, and this is what gives the T-6 (I'm an Army guy, served in tanks) it's distinctive "growl". You know what I mean if you have ever heard this, and I know that you have.

    I will definitely be watching for another update soon.

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    Andrew H said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Great start Jamie. You've forced my hand, now I've just gotta finish my T-6 for this GB... Also planned to do Night Train!

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    Jaime Carreon said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Thanks for the info, Tom. I was under the impression the airplane was in bare metal, but the aluminum lacquer makes more sense in that environment. I have a bottle of Floquil Old Silver that might work as well. Might have to pull out the paint mule and see which I like better...

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    Jaime Carreon said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Louis, I worked on a few T-6s in my previous life and know the noise you're talking about. The other weird noise it makes is the one that happens when the starter engages. The R-985 makes the same noise, she's the R-1340's little sister...

    For some reason, that particular Krylon is the one camo color no one seems to carry around here, which is weird because that's what all the rednecks use to paint their hunting rigs. I used it on this build, so you can get an idea what color it is.

    It's an easy build, Andrew, but like a lot of those old Monogram kits, the fit can be iffy. The upper deck forward of the cockpit didn't fit worth a damn on mine, but at least I can sorta cover it up because the color separation for anti glare panel is there! If ya can't fix it, paint it!

    And yes, Tom is good people.

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    Louis Gardner said 3 years, 11 months ago:


    I am fairly certain that the Air Force operated T-6’s that were painted with an aluminum color, but they also used planes that were bare metal. Here’s a few color pictures of various planes that I found online in a matter of minutes. Several of these planes are definitely not painted. This one looks like it’s bare metal based on the different colors of the inspection panels.

    This B&W picture is hard to tell.

    These planes could very well be painted or bare metal.

    I have the Squadron Signal “In Action” book and I’ll look to see if a picture of your plane is in there if you want me to. Then you might be able to tell if your plane was painted or not.

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    Jaime Carreon said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    I haven't forgotten about anyone, just have not haven't had a chance to do anything with the model. We had a bit of a winter storm that shut things down and it's hard to work in the dark when there's no power. It was an interesting week, for sure. Hope to get back on it soon.

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    Robert Royes said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Nice choice! It is a nice kit,I did the Skytyper version, It's some where on this site. I learned basic aircraft mechanics in high school where we misused and abused several old SNJ's.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Hope things get back to normal for you, my friend @jetmex.
    We kind of missed you here! 🙂

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    Jaime Carreon said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    I finally got caught up with life and was able to get back to work on the T-6. First thing was to get the wing glued on, which turned out to be more of an ordeal than I expected. Fit was awful, especially at the root, so assembly went in several stages. There will be some seams to fill, but not as bad as I thought it would be. Engine was installed, and then there was a lot of filing and colorful four letter metaphors to get the cowling to fit. It's not glued yet, I'm still not happy with the way it fits. The rest of the remaining parts (landing gear, prop, etc) got painted and are ready to be assembled.

    I decided to fit some 2.5 inch smoke rockets to the airplane, and found out that the Christmas tree missile rack from the Monogram 1/72 F-82 kit will work with a little modification and looks about right, so I'm going to use them. I only have two of them, so the model will be short a couple of racks, but it will be better than nothing.

    My little bit of advice - if you're going to build this model, don't get the red one! It makes for some interesting painting. I'll probably have to primer this one, which is something I don't usually do. One more new thing to learn...

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 10 months ago:

    Welcome back, my friend @jetmex!
    And, what a great progress you did!
    You certainly showed that red styrene nasty kit who the boss is!
    Yep, red styrene makes painting interesting, but the leftover parts make beautiful (ie nicely visible) liquefied styrene...ok, I am carried away now... 🙂
    Your Texan looks amazing!
    Looking forward to your progress!