George’s Motorcycles

Started by George Williams · 184 · 1 year ago
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    George R Blair Jr said 1 year, 5 months ago:

    You are truly a magician with decals, George (@chinesegeorge). The markings truly look painted on. The magician analogy also applies to your windscreen (it disappeared). Stuff like that truly frustrates me. I am so careful during builds not to lose things. I always have a small plastic container where I keep all loose parts until I need them, and I still lose parts. Perhaps there is a modeling poltergeist who steals parts and hides them. Maybe you could vacuform a replacement windscreen? Have a great New Year.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year, 5 months ago:

    The finished PEPSI looks absolutely wonderful, my friend @chinesegeorge! It is really amazing how "obvious" things, like a windscreen, can disappear. You are not alone, similar things happen to me on a regular basis...
    Have a great 2023!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year, 5 months ago:

    the PEPSI Suzuki looks amazing indeed, George @chinesegeorge
    A pity you lost the windscreen, although it might turn up sometime when you least expect it.
    Always frustrating when you loose parts, especially the more important ones.
    Happy New Year.

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    Cricket said 1 year, 4 months ago:

    @chinesegeorge Man that looks great! Thanks for the details on the painting of the chain. I’ll give it a try! Glad you’re better….sorry for the delay…been hectic few weeks here