Assembly commences!
I could not resist getting this one going, and assembled a few items.
The plans let you assemble the cockpit first, followed by the navigators station and the cabin.
1. small windows, but a lot of innards visible still!
I glued up the basics, then dryfitted it to make sure the basic angles were correct.
I also did get the frame rough-sanded
1. paintfiller and fine sanding next
and more to follow with paintfiller I guess.
The plastic has some very delicate details as well as a full cabin with lugagebins and all.
1. There will be an astrodome too, letting in a lot of light into the two (three?) front offices.
I have to consider carefully where to use the details as very little may be visible, and with a full aft cabin it is certain to become a tailsitter.
I shall continue with the assembly of the front offices, and right now I think the crew door may be left open as there is a lot of glass there to let the details be clearly visible.