@stephen-w-towle @eb801 @fiveten @johnb @tcinla I had some problems with the propeller because at the last moment I remembered that this particular model was wooden. Unfortunately, I do not know how it was painted but, I assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that there was an aluminum dope primer under the black paint. I used the Tamiya weathering Master set for this. I first used an aluminum lipstick, then a layer of semi-matte varnish, and another layer of sand-colored lipstick to simulate polished wood prop by desert sand. If my idea is wrong, correct me. Spinner was bright red paint Mr Color, with coat of semi gloss coat of clear. Unfortunately, it was not without error, when the aerograph was first opened, the particles of the aluminum lipstick in one place were blown away, creating a slight heterogeneity. I masked it afterwards, but it was completely impossible to compensate for it. when you look at the photo, you can see some shortcomings. Meh. 🙁
2 attached images. Click to enlarge.