“Taxidermy man’s gonna have a heart attack when he sees what I brung him”

Started by david leigh-smith · 13 · 5 years ago
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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Really hadn’t thought of this until Matt @coondog Minnichsoffer said how ‘badass’ my shark jaws looked on the Orca project I’m working on.

    The parameters of the Group Build...”I want to welcome everyone to participate in this new GB focusing models adorned with any sort of teeth and mouth” - certainly describe Quint’s old warhorse.

    Although she looks more than 25% built now, the boat was certainly below that threshold when the group started. Plus, there’s something of a ‘twist’ in the tail (sic) of this build that means even now, the project is nowhere near complete.

    So, Pedro, am I in?


    Happy to butt in with updates, and the entire build will be finished within the Group deadline.

    Hope you don’t feel I’m gatecrashing here, but if anything, joining this group has added more motivation and mojo to the Orca project...besides, my two favoured choices for this group (the Grey Nurse and Bf 110) have both been taken up.

    Hoping to get a green light on this - be nice to get a ship or two amongst all those flying things.

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    Pedro L. Rocha said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    David my friend, a GB is far more interesting (and complete) if participants come by air, sea and land, so of course the “Orca” is welcome aboard!

    Also the fact you have started it already is not an issue, any model that has gone up to an estimated 50% built can join the Group, hoping that it’s a good kick to get those shelf queens back on building tracks. I know I had that experience in the past.

    Btw David, feel free to squeeze in your own “Grey nurse” there’s no rule that excludes twofold subjects 😉

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    No worries there with completion, although the Orca a fair way along, I haven’t even started on part two of the project.

    Great to be aboard, Sir. Full ahead, and damn the torpedoes!

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    The benefits of a True European Union.

    What’s better than a Friday. I’ll tell you. A sun drenched Friday, sitting in the yard, eating beautiful Belgian chocolates sent over as a gift (from the wonderful Michel Verschuere) and sipping a small glass of Scotland’s finest 16 year old malt whisky.

    Slàinte Mhath! to you, Michel and to all iModelers on this fine mid-summer solstice.


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    Allan J Withers said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    More sharks the better !

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    Matija Skobe said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    where did you find that piranha jaw?
    I already can see headlines:
    "Drunk elderly gentleman, pressured by GB deadline and overdosed on belgian chocolate, breaks in to aquarium and steals single fish."

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    George Johnson said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Ahh... Lagavulin. So smokey and so peaty.

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Allan, we may need to revisit that statement in the second half of this build. My plan is to augment the Orca with a ‘flash build’ of the Indianapolis - a two week 1/350 project that will sit alongside the Orca in a tribute to that iconic Quint ‘Indianapolis monologue’.

    I have a few aftermarket buys for the Indy and plan to start her on the 30th July, and
    build, paint, and finish her over twelve days. I’ve never seen a build of these two vessels together, so it’s quite an exciting build idea, and hopefully a nice tribute to the men of the ‘Indy’.


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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 8 months ago:


    My usual tastes are more Highland (smooth and heathery) but this ‘grown up’ whisky was a gift from a client from New York (Steve - if you are reading this, it’s delicious).

    Nice to hear from you, George.

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Well. Matija, I’ll take the fact that I may be tempted into ichthyological misdemeanours...I’ll certainly take the fact I’ve been known to have one scotch or chocolate too many...and I’ve definitely blown some GB deadlines. But...elderly? I’ll have you know I did a test on line today that categorically informed me I had a mental age of 12 years old!

    Thanks, my friend. The jaw is scratchbuilt, Carcharadon Carcharias, as opposed to Characidae Characiformes. The teeth are a wee bit big for scale, still...better than being hunted by the aquarium police.


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    George Johnson said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    I prefer the Highland single malts. too. My wife bought a bottle for me for my birthday that was from a small Highlands distillery that was absolutely superb, but unfortunately, I can't remember the name.
    Lately, I've gotten into Kentucky Bourbons and invented a really great cocktail that had Bourban, Creme de Cocoa and Whidbey's Berry Liquour. Tasted like a chocolate berry truffel. Making one with Chambord tonight.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Now, THAT, I’m going to try. Sounds lovely, George.

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    Jeff Bailey said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    Interesting! Now I'm thirsty ...