Here is another installment on the Mayberry Corsair.
Remember the Corsair Kindergarten ? Here is a picture showing how I painted the remaining 9 engine crankcase covers. One was used for the Ashmun Corsair, so it is missing from the line up.
I assembled all of the engines, and painted them along with the exhaust exits at the same time.
Since I was painting Flat Black and the air brush was loaded, I decide to paint the additional propellers from the 4 newly added Corsairs to the original group of 6. Here you can also see a pair of center flaps. I painted the top side Flat Black, and later they will be masked off for the walk way that is located in the lowest portion of the gull wing. You can also see the engine exhaust / intake parts too. Here again, one is missing, because it was used for the Ashmun Corsair.
This is the rear of the engine exhaust and intake manifold piping. Here again only 9 are present. One was used for the Ashmun Corsair that you can see in the background.
I was painting Flat Black, and this is the base color I used for these parts. Other details were hand painted on afterwards. So now these will be placed back into the collection of growing Corsair Kindergarten parts.
I had previously assembled the landing gear as part of the Corsair Kindergarten. All of the main gear and tail wheel struts were assembled. The main wheels were cleaned up and the tires were painted using RLM 66 to represent a Dark Gray tire color.
I did not paint the landing gear struts all at once, because these were in fact painted different colors on the full size Corsair. It depended on which version Corsair they were installed on, and how the aircraft was painted on the exterior, to determine the final colors. So I left the rest of them bare plastic for now.
Here you can see the additional 4 propellers, that were added to the original 6. There are also two engine crankcase faces. These were used on the Mayberry and Ashmun Corsairs.
The main wheel hubs were dirtied up and fake mud added to the inner rim to make it look more realistic.
I picked out two sets of main landing gear, and two tail wheel struts from the Kindergarten parts.
I painted them using Light Gray. This is the same color that will be used for the underside of the Corsairs. There are also two sets of outer spoked main wheel hubs. They were also painted this Light Gray color. They could have been painted in an Aluminum color too, but I decided to go this route. Either way is proper for a "Birdcage" Corsair. I also painted the undersides of the inboard and center flaps.
The tires were detailed and installed. I also wrapped the oleo struts using Ultra Bright Bare Metal Foil.
I installed the tail wheel doors. I did this prior to painting the underside Light Gray. I wanted to make sure I had a good bond on the plastic. Here you can see the home brewed "Salmon" color I mixed up and sprayed prior to closing the fuselage halves.
This area was stuffed with sponge material prior to painting. Once the paint dried, I removed the sponge masking, and did a little touch up with a brush. This is how it looked at this point.
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