Yesterday I sprayed on the Blue Green "Aotake" color in various places on the Ki-44, the prototype A5M and the B5N Kate. How I do it will be explained next.
Typically I start out by spraying a light aluminum color. It will look even better if you can use a highly reflective shade. Unfortunately my choice of color this time dried rather flat looking, so it doesn't have the exact same result I normally go for.
Here's the small parts painted for the Ki-44
The wheel wells were also painted. If you look closely at the holes I opened up in the flap well, you will see that some of them (the very last two I drilled) are not perfectly centered... so the flaps will be closed on this plane.
The inner rear fuselage section.
The next two steps involve these two Tamiya colors. Clear Yellow and Clear Blue.
I sprayed the wheel wells and other parts with several coats of blue. You should try to do this randomly. The real stuff didn't look uniform. The more that was applied, the darker it becomes.
Then I go back and add just a little bit of clear yellow. It turns the color green. This is exactly what you want. The real stuff would vary between blue and green.
You can see the different between the B5N wing which has been treated with yellow. It is the lower wing. The Ki-44 wing has not been painted yellow in this picture.
I wanted to add more yellow so I gave it a few more light coats. This is the look I wanted.
It's random and not uniform.
The parts are now ready to be assembled. Here's a picture showing how a single part can have blue and green on it. These are photos of actual relics.
As always, comments are encouraged.