My Water Wings Group build subjects: E7K1 Alf

Started by Greg Kittinger · 13 · 7 years ago · 1/72, float plane, flying boat, group build
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    Greg Kittinger said 8 years, 5 months ago:

    I already had these slated to go on the bench for a club group build, so will add them to this build (after the 4 in-progress builds are done). Both 1/72, and intended pretty much OOB.

    Supermodel Bv-138 and Hasegawa E7K1 Type 94 "Alf"

    UPDATE - Bv-138 never made it out of the box... Alf will be my contribution - IF the decals come in on time...

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    Robert Royes said 8 years, 5 months ago:

    Both great choices, That supermodel kit is a blast from the past. got one of their macchi C202 in the stash, it comes with rubber tires!

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    Jaime Carreon said 8 years, 5 months ago:

    Glad you jumped in Greg, interesting subjects. Have fun with your build!

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    Ryan Boerema said 8 years, 4 months ago:

    You got guts. does the 'Alf' come with the launch ramp?

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 8 years, 4 months ago:

    Ryan, there is a Hasegawa boxing of their Jake floatplane with a catapult. I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't an Alf with the same addition. Otherwise, I'd suspect the catapult could be used for the Alf, with some mods.

    I always wondered why Hasegawa didn't modify their Alf to the radial engined version, used later on.

    I'm still waiting for a 48th Curtiss SOC, and a catapult to go with it. Mike West was working on both, I remember hearing. Lone Star Models, down in Texas. Resin models.

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    Greg Kittinger said 8 years, 4 months ago:

    So, since I finished the P-47, have the Kfir and 101 waiting for some DecalFix to arrive this weekend, and the Myrsky is in the "paint shop," I opened the box on the Alf to get started. Not a lot of parts in the box, so shouldn't be a long build, but expect the paint and rigging to take a bit. I was going to go for straight OOB, but I when I test fitted the fuselage halves, and saw the result of 3 open cockpits with view to the interior, I decided to at least add some semblance of ribbing to the interior to make for a bit of visual interest. Just made it up, so when I throw some wash in there, there will be some shadowing and dimension. After looking at the pilots (yes, some older kits did provide them!), I may opt for aftermarket ones from PJ productions, as the ones in the box look like little carved totem poles or something - not realistic at all!

    To answer Ryan's question, there is no ramp, and I wouldn't use it anyway, as I always mount my builds in flight.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    David Mills said 8 years, 3 months ago:

    Nice choices Greg !

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    Greg Kittinger said 8 years, 2 months ago:

    I realized that I'd need to insert pilots into the fuselage before I put the fuselage together, so had to work on building up and painting the pilots, so slowed me down. The kit-supplied pilots were soooo lame that I when with aftermarket Japanese WWII pilots from PJ Productions. In hindsight, even though one are on each was positionable as it had to be attached, I should have done a bit of head repositioning as well. Oh well!

    I haven't yet figured out how to best clean resin components for painting. I soak them in Simple Green to try to get all the release agent off of them, but they still don't hold paint well. I absolutely cannot use Vallejo acrylics on them, as the slightest touch or bump rubs the paint right off. It does help if I prime with an enamel, or use enamel for the main colors and then use Vallejo for the detail finishing. Still, they have to be handled delicately, and retouched after installed normally. Any tips?

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Greg Kittinger said 8 years, 2 months ago:

    That was supposed to say "one arm..."

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    Editor said 8 years ago:

    Greg, I think I was able to repair the topic. Please feel free to try posting again

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 8 years ago:

    Greg, I'd prime them with enamels, that should give you better luck. You might want to test the paint you prime with on something you aren't going to need. Tamiya makes rattlecan fine primer, comes in both white and gray.
    The crew figures look good.

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    Greg Kittinger said 8 years ago:

    Disaster with decals! First attempt, the decal just shredded, so covered with a couple of coats of Decal Film. Second attempt, the decals curled badly and just wouldn't lay down for anything, including the replacement that I stole out of another kit to replace the shredded one! I thought I was finished, but low and behold, Print Scale makes a 1/72 sheet for the Alf! However, had to order from the Ukraine and not due to arrive until early February, so I've wrapped it up to keep the dust off until then.

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    Greg Kittinger said 7 years, 10 months ago:

    I am almost there - just have the cockpit glass to paint and mount, finish painting the prop and mount, and finish the weathering with oils and pastel chalks. Won't have it by tomorrow, but I'm shooting for end-of-week...