1/48 Monogram A-26 C

Started by David Butler · 12 · 4 months ago · . 1/48, Invader, Monogram
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    David Butler said 10 months, 2 weeks ago:

    A few weeks ago I recently resumed building on my long shelved ICM B-26k counter invader from over a year ago. For reasons I can't explain I was randomly browsing the Ebay and put an offer of $30 for an unopened 1/48 Monogram A-26C with extra decals, and a eduard interior photo etched set. The offer was accepted so I decided to build the

    Monogram and then paint both Invaders at the same time. Here is my work so far on the Monogram. I made a few changes to the kit and pirated a part or two from the ICM spares. I removed the wonky tractor seat in the cockpit and installed a folded seat in the stowed position instead. I also cut out the rear crew access door and will pose it open. The ICM kit may be newer and have more bells and whistles but the Monogram kit, shape issues aside is still a nice option.
    Unfortunately the nice decals that were supplied by Aeromaster wont work - I need decals that are for a glass nosed A-26C with the bottom turret removed, so if any of you people out there in model land have an applicable set and would be interested in trading let me know

    Update: June 2nd

    I started grad school last month so the time I would normally spend building is now spent reading and typing papers, discussions, and journals. But after a few weeks of pure academics I decided I had to get back to the bench even if for an hour just for my own sanity.

    I build some bulkheads in the wheel wells

    to give some detail to the otherwise gaping space and to provide some cover for the flattened fishing weights I installed to prevent tail sitting. I didn't research what the actual bulkheads looked like but just used my best guess- accuracy wasn't as important as just having something there to take up the space. At the end of the day it looks pretty decent and not too far off from the real thing.

    I built the gun pods but decided to roll with spares from ICM- they have better detail on the guns themselves and have a better over all shape than the kit supplied parts

    The pilot figure is all painted and seated happily in the cockpit awaiting take off

    lots of sanding having to take place as there was a pretty bad "step" between the two fuselage halves.

    4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

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    George R Blair Jr said 10 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Sign me up for this one, David (@dbutlr). One of my favorite bombers, and I have both the gun nose and the glass nose versions of the Monogram kit. I will be taking lots of notes. Cockpit looks really good. Have you found a good place for some weight in the nose?

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    David Butler said 10 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Million dollar question right there @gblair, I'm still thinking it over so I am trying to kick the can down the road by working on some of the other subassemblies- I've seen someone else on the internet put weights in between the instrument panel and bombadier/navigator bulkhead along with extra weight in the engine nacelles. Anyone else who has built this kit have suggestions?

    I'm almost tempted to just build a base and permanently secure it thereby negating the need for weight. Thoughts?

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    George R Blair Jr said 10 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Hi, David (@dbutlr): Planes like the glass-nose B-26 are tough for finding space for weight. I built a glass-nose B-25 not long ago, and managed to cram some heavy washers under the floor in the nose. I also closed the bomb bay so I could add some weight there forward of the landing gear. You might find room behind the cockpit bulkhead, and as a last resort, there is always the front of the engine nacelles. The only problem with attaching it to a base is that you are permanently stuck with a big chunk of wood that takes up a ton of space on the shelf. Good luck.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 10 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Excellent entry and ditto progress, my friend @dbutlr! I would try to stuff some weight in the fuselage where it would be invisible, but, mainly, I would add to the nacelles as much as I could.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 10 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Great entry and what a beautiful start made on that interior, David @dbutlr

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    David Butler said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    check out the recent updates

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    George R Blair Jr said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    Good luck with grad school, David (@dbutlr). I gave up 2 things when I was working on my master's degree: sleep and modeling.

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    David Butler said 4 months, 3 weeks ago:

    I've been working on Monograms 1/48 a-26c for some time now and need some advice on decals. About half of the sources I've seen (mainly decal sets) have the nacelles black with the underside wings black as well. The other half have only the nacelles black with the under wings nmf. I've elected to go with the black nacelles and underside of the wings black (see photo).

    Going with this option means the black USAF and dark blue national insignia won't show up. That being so should I go with red USAF letters and national insignia left over from the original kit decals or should I paint the underside of the wings nmf and use the black lettering and traditional national insignia? Can anyone advise? @tcinla @fiveten @blackmopane @johnb and any others!?!

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Hi David (@dbutlr): Glad you are taking some time from academia to revive this model. I still have two of them in the garage that I want to build someday. I don't know if you want to do a WW2 version or a post-war version, but I would go with the all black. I have also always wanted to do an olive drab version, which I think looks really cool because you almost never see them modeled. I attached a couple of motivational photos that I found online. Cheers

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Great progress, my friend @dbutlr! Though having no great experience on the subject, I would go for red letters and normal USAF insignia.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Looking great so far, David @dbutlr.
    I'm in favor of going for the red as well.