John (@johnb) Felix (@fxrob) George (@gblair) & Spiros (@fiveten)
Thanks for all the comments. Despite the gap and fit issues, I will still say this is an impressive kit (and would do it again...actually I might) It would be interesting to see if I encounter the same issues. The nacelle gap I think would be present to a degree as the other portions lined up where they were supposed to, The engine cowls I may have contributed to, as there is a lot going on with the engine build and three part cowl construction (one seemed to work perfectly fine, so the other could have been my mis-alignment someplace).
There are some considerations with the merge of the glass and fuselage, as that is a LOT of surface area and one that needs strength in the side windows as it forms the bonds between the sides and the top of the fuselage. I ended up flowing a bit of Tamiya thin on this join to get the strength I wanted (let's see if that comes back to bite me).
The glass masking is easier than it looks as the side windows are pretty much flat and have decent raised frame areas to guide, so you can lay them on the benchtop and work away with practically all straight lines. Still it takes a sharp knife, some care and in my case magnifiers to get it done... Then I remembered I had downloaded some masks for this Anson Project (that would work on a plotter cutter - which I have) ...a bit late on that realization! The small nose windows I am using liquid mask on, so we shall see how that goes. ***Note: If anyone is interested in the masks (designed for the hobby plotter cutters like the Silhouette) I can send you the link and hopefully you will remember you have them
The designer did produce both inside and outer masks. I didn't mask the inners George. I am just going to cheat by spraying a coat of interior green on the canopy areas prior to doing the camouflage.
Back to work here... The Boss is Coming, Better look busy