1/72 Valom Vickers Wellesley

Started by George R Blair Jr · 93 · 42 minutes ago · 1/72, North Africa, Valom, Vickers, Wellesley
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    George R Blair Jr said 11 hours, 46 minutes ago:

    I think I have finally conquered all of the last bits, and I am calling it done. Some of the last tasks were perhaps the most fiddly of the bunch. The left wingtip has a pitot which consists of a plastic boom that is glued into the wing, and then a U-shaped pitot head is glued to the end of the boom. The first thing required is to drill a hole for the boom, which sounds easy enough, but the drill bit kept wanting to skitter across the surface of the wing. When I used my sprue cutters on the boom, I again ended up with several pieces. I replaced the plastic boom with some brass rod. before I attached the rod to the wing, I used a file to grind a flat spot on the end for the PE piece. Boom attached to the wing and then super glue to add the PE. After that, I added the bomb panniers underneath each wing. Even though I added a pin to strengthen the joint, the panniers had a mind of their own where they wanted to be. I eventually won, then turned to the antenna wire. I used fine EZ Line, which eased the process somewhat. This is the part that I really dread on models, but superglue and accelerator finally won out. I want all the glue to dry for 24 hours, then I want to look it over for thing I missed. After that, it will be time for a few photos and a trip to Headlines. Thanks to everyone that followed along, as well as the constructive comments and suggestions. Now, on to the 104. Cheers everyone.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 hours, 52 minutes ago:

    Looks fantastic, my friend @gblair!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 42 minutes ago:

    A perfect finish, George @gblair
    The Wellesley is a remarkable aircraft with its huge wingspan.