1/48 Airfix BP Defiant 264 Sqn 1940

Started by Kent Strickland · 22 · 8 years ago · Airfix, Eduard, new tool
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    Kent Strickland said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Masking the camouflage commences. Orientate the masks the same as the instructions and number them accordingly. You don't have to do this step but I think it avoids problems. The instructions are quite detailed...even I couldn't stray too far! Buy some shares in Tamiya tape... Pilot's canopy tacked on with Micro temporary adhesive and a thin Tamiya tape strip added to the front interior as an extra guard against spray getting inside. Foam to seal the turret opening. A coat of Humbrol 29 Dark Earth was sprayed over the entire upper fuselage and wings. Whilst that drys, I commence to paint the Eduard Brassin exhausts under a couple of coats of Gunze H76 Burnt Iron. The interior of the wing fillet step, I have detailed it from the blank piece you are given by chiselling out and pin drilling.

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    Kent Strickland said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    In the time honoured tradition of "The Karate Kid" and the words of Mr Miyagi, "Masks on, masks off." I found the instructions immensely helpful as they explained how the masks go on. I think just the pictures themselves would leave it to some guesstimating which may adversely affect the result. Having said that, I did find the no.2 mask didn't want to fit 100% and I had to add a small piece of tape to ensure coverage. However as this was the first time I have used Miracle Masks and this was one of the first masks applied, I tend to believe it was "user error". The remaining masks fit as described and they are well engineered and easy, as long as you follow the instruction sequence. Once applied and checked, I shot Aeromaster RAF Dk Green in a couple of thin coats, gently building opacity. By the time I had disassembled, cleaned, reassembled and check my airbrush the masks were ready to come off. They were gently removed and replaced on the mask sheet, ready for the next Defiant in A scheme. I removed all the masking and was left with nice, well defined demarcations. There are a couple of minor scratches to touch up and I may have to widen the Sky near the tail a little but this is where she sits for the night before a gloss coat and decals.


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    Kent Strickland said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    A bit of remedial work done on the sky undersurface. It was only a small correction but what had been seen could not be unseen and I had to do it. I probably could have curved it out a tad more but better left alone than risk buggering it up! The airframe received its gloss coat of Future (Pledge One Go) in preparation for decals. The antenna rods and tail wheel was added and the lot up on cocktail sticks to dry. I added brake lines from 0.3 lead wire and secured them with thin strips of Bare Metal Foil. The MLG was then temporarily set into position and the retraction struts attached to the main legs and cemented at the join and allowed to set. They should now be just drop in. Once set, they were removed and MM Flat Black over all followed by Future to seal the enamel to the lot. The exhausts were painted Gunze H76 Burnt Iron, Future and then my first use of AK Interactive Exhaust wash. It is an enamel wash. I am not sure of the result as yet, I will let it go off overnight and have a look with fresh eyes.


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    Kent Strickland said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    The decals are on and over coated with Pledge (Future) before an overall Flory wash. The MLG have been washed with AK Interactive Landing Gear Dust effect and the excess removed. The chrome on the oleos has been added by Bare Metal Foil cut to size. Time to make little notes so as not to forget stuff, IFF antennas, wheel scrapers and bits.


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    Kent Strickland said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    With the MM Dullcote having dried, it was time to start the run to the finish. The MLG, the prop and spinner were attached. I noticed during the stencil application that no fuel filler points were present in the wings. A 3.5mm circle was scribed in each wing, painted and washed. The canopy masks came off and it was time to see if all that work under the rear airfoil was worth it. Pretty happy with that actually.

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    Kent Strickland said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    MLG wheels attached, aligned and the brake lines fixed into place. The antenna was strung between the fore and aft masts using Uschi ultra fine rigging line. The frame was then flipped over and the turret installed. It can be a difficult fit. After some test runs I found it best to align the guns rearward with the fuselage and then rotate it carefully into position. Exhaust staining was lightly applied down each side of the fuselage with Tamiiya Weathering Powder "Soot". The IFF wires (again Uschi) were then attached at rear stabilisers and into small holes drilled into the centre of each roundel.

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    Kent Strickland said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    The Brassin exhausts were fitted and secured with CA. The MLG inner doors were fixed into place and the crew step to complete the build. Some photos in natural light.

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