A Pride of Tomcats

Started by David Odenwald · 22 · 1 day ago · . 1/48, F-14, Tamiya, tomcat, VF-41
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    David Odenwald said 2 days, 22 hours ago:

    Thanks everyone. Getting to the end on the cockpits.

    Just finished putting all the PE I care to install on the ejection seats using Eduard PE. Each seat is now 13 parts. Still need to apply some decals. Then will be finished, with them.

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 days, 20 hours ago:

    Decals don't look bad, David (@kahu). I just watched The Final Countdown for at least the fortieth time this past weekend. The flying and deck scenes are always good.

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    David Odenwald said 2 days, 7 hours ago:

    Actually with PE RBFs the Tamiya seats are 19 parts and the Eduard seats are 17 parts. Each. And there are three PE pieces I skipped per seat. Need to weather and distress the RBFs and then flat coat the seats.

    Here is the Tamiya seats.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    David Odenwald said 2 days, 7 hours ago:

    Oh yeah I have studied the "splash the Zeros" scene many times to build an accurate model, yeah that's the ticket. Yes that movie is awesome showing what happens on the flight deck and once they git the B-25 camera plane the aerial sequences became stellar.

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 day, 21 hours ago:

    Hi David (kaku): The scenes in the movie are even more cool when you remember that this movie was made back when nothing was digitally simulated and everything was live action. The action on deck is also really cool, and I think the movie came out 6 or 7 years before Top Gun. Seats look really good, David.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 day, 18 hours ago:

    The Tamiya seats look excellent, my friend @kahu!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 day, 13 hours ago:

    Those seats do look fantastic, David @kahu