Okay, I wasn't happy with the rectangular holes in the wings. I thought about this for a couple of days and tried various different ideas on how to accomplish this. Up until this morning, none of them provided the crispness I am after. An ideal solution would 3D printed parts that can be installed in the wings, but I have neither a 3D printer, nor much experience yet with CAD, so I am having to consider old school approaches.
The challenge is trying to create small rectangular openings in the wings that go through the wings at an angle. The lower wing surface opening is further forward than the the upper surface opening. It occurred to me yesterday that I might be able to create rectangular boxes that could be attached to the front of the wing upper and lower halves, if the wing leading edges are cut away at the appropriate distance.
Making the rectangles has been the most difficult part. I am having to piece them together using flat styrene and small "C" channel. Cutting the leading edges off hasn't bothered me too much because I have done things like this before and know from experience that I can ultimately restore the part.
So I only have one picture this morning, which attempts to show very roughly what I am going to try this time. You can see the small rectangular part (which this example is not good enough to use, but I know how to make it better). You can see I removed the leading edges in the areas of both upper and lower wing halves and that they are cut away at different distances from the original leading edge. These offset cut points provide the angled mounting locations for the rectangular parts.
Once all the rectangular parts are made and glued into position, then I will re-glue the leading edges back into position and fill in any gaps. Once all this is dry, I will trim the excess rectangular parts from the upper and lower wing surfaces leaving just the parts inside the wing.
Finally I will do any final shaping and seam filling needed. Later on in the build I will be restoring the surface details (rivets, fasteners, and panel lines). BTW, the rectangular hole on the removed leading edge pieces will be removed and filled in as necessary.
Tedious? Yes. Crazy? Perhaps. But if I get these right, they should look pretty cool on the finished model.