I finally got to the painting stage on the Hudson, at least the preliminary painting stage. I had two items which caused it to be delayed. The first was receipt of a new Ammo paint rack which triggered a desire to overhaul my paint storage at the work bench. My paint storage has been a thorn in my side for some time now and I kept coming up with all sorts of schemes to address it. Most were far too complicated (as usual for me), but I finally settled on one that checks off the boxes I had set for paint storage. It's not pretty, but it is functional and it has all my paint stored close at hand and in one place now.
The second item delaying paint was actually adding the primer to the model. When I did this, I found all sorts of surface defects that had to be dealt with. I was close to the Shelf of Doom on this one, but I persevered and worked through the defects. All the pencil circled areas in the two photos below show what I had to deal with. Additionally, I made the mistake of having the airbrush too far from the model and the primer had a rough finish. That had to be smoothed out after fixing all the defects. All of this took several days.
Today, I touched up the primer, got some smaller bits started in the painting process, and added the undercoat marbling for the white areas of the final paint. Some areas may have marbling that won't be white, but I didn't have the reference handy when I was painting and wanted to make sure I covered all possible areas. So over the next several days, I will be working through the various painting tasks.
It's bloody cold here right now, and even in the house, we are having to wear hoodies (with the hoodies up), so it sort of puts a damper on motivation. But I want to get through this.